Uncontrollable Siamo

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Duna woke up the next morning at about 7 A.M. in her hotel room and looked over at Cora who was standing in front of the sliding glass door. She removed the covers, climbed out of bed and walked over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Cora looked back and smiled.

"Good morning sis. How did you sleep?"

"Good morning to you too, I slept as well as you can expect with the duel today." Duna replied bluntly.

"Oh yeah."

"I don't know why Rosie had to be so competitive yesterday. I mean it was just a game and I thought she invited us so we can all have fun."

"Well I don't know her as well as you do but I hope that this will be over soon and that'll both remain friends."

"Yeah me too, but more importantly why are you up so early?"

"Well, I was just thinking about yesterday, how much fun you had with Hunter. I don't remember ever seeing you smile this much and I guess it made me jealous of both of you."

"How so?"

"Well, I became jealous of Hunter because of how happy he makes you that I feel like I'm just a nuisance."

"Cora?! Why would you ever say that? I never think of you as a nuisance and either does Hunter." Duna reassured her.

"Really?" Cora said with wide eyes. Duna wrapped her arms around her and embraced her warmly.

"Of course. You're my sister. I love you as much as I love Hunter and I would absolutely be devastated if anything were to happen to you." Cora could feel a tear start to well up and fall and she returned the embrace.

"*sniff* tha-Thank you big sis." Cora finished. Duna released her from the embrace and smiled.

"Okay, we need to get ready, no doubt Rosie is waiting at Fossil Stadium for us."

"Okay, I'll be cheering you on from the audience." Cora said, happily, "I hope you and Hunter win." Duna nodded. She walked into the bathroom, washed up, changed and then opened her door and walked out Cora following her. As Duna locked the door, Hunter opened his door and came out. He closed the door and looked over at both Duna and Cora.

"Are you ready for this?" Hunter asked. Duna nodded and they all walked out of the hotel and into fossil stadium where Rosie and Holt were ready. Hunter and Holt greeted each other normally while Duna and Rosie glared at each other. Cora watched as lightning began to clash from their eyes and gulped.

"So you did show up Duna. Very good and now let us finish what we started.

"Fine by me!" Duna growled and all four people walked into the preparation room. After they were ready they walked through the door and took their respective side of the battlefield. Duna looked over at the audience and scanned for Cora. She finally found and took a deep breath and readied herself for the fight. The announcers P.A. and Slate came on the intercom and began to explain the rules.

"Welcome to a very 'special' match between Hunter, Holt, Rosie and Duna! As this isn't a normal duel we need to establish a set of rules. This fight will consists of two Vivosaurs per fighter making a total of four on each side. There will be no EZ permitted as each Vivosaur will stand side-by-side. Duna, you are a Dinaurian and as such you can Fight with your battle armor if you wish but it will count as one of your Vivosaurs so if you chose to fight then you'll only chose one. Any Vivosaur can attack any opponent and as usual the fight will be decided if all Vivosaurs are knocked out or if one side forfeits for any reason at which point the remaining Vivosaurs will stand down. Failure to comply with this rule will mean deactivation of your fighter license indefinitely and the confiscation of all dino medals. Understand?" all the fossil fighters nodded.

Fossils Fighting For PeaceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon