Morphine Injection

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Alice, 017, 021, and 008 were walking down the hall. 017 told Alice about a control room she might be able to use.

"" Alice asked as they walked.

"We have been here for about two years. And we have enjoyed the calm lifestyle we have." 008 said wiggling his flippers.

"This Hunter fellow seems important to you. What is he like?" 021 asked wistfully.

"" Alice said trying to explain.

"I am unsure what you mean. Can you explain?" 017 asked.

"Hunter.....there....when Alice...created. He....teach me....a lot. But....he no...treat pet." Alice said. She was getting used to talking.

"Kind of like 001 and 002?" 021 asked.

"Alice....not know." She responded.

017 led them into a large room. There were computers and monitors. Loose wires were everywhere. Some computers were old and broken, others were new and unbelievably advanced.

"How....Ama...Amalgas have....strong....comp...compu...... computers?" Alice asked. She growled that she couldn't say computer.

"Before Morphiez took over the city above, we would scavenge technology from dinaurians and humans." 021 said.

"What is your plan, Beauty?" 017 asked.

"Can....Amalgas....send...signal?" Alice asked. She was still annoyed that they were calling her Beauty.

"What kind? And where?" 017 asked.

device....number fift....fifteen." Alice said. She strained to remember the number. She wasn't sure why she only remembered that specific device number. She just knew the dinaurian owner could get help.

"Alright. Let me get it ready. 008 and 021 will....give you a tour." 017 said.

The amalgas nodded and led Alice out of the room.
Alice, 008, and 021 were walking down the hall. They had been walking for a while and 008 suggested they turn around and head back to the control room 017 was in. While on their way back, one of the doors in the hallway opened and a U-Raptor Amalga walked out. Alice knew he was male because of his larger number of feathers and because of the color of them. He had the frill and horns of a Tricera but they were very small. He also had two tails. Both were covered in vibrant lime green and baby blue feathers. One looked like a Stego tail and the other looked like a Dimorph tail. He was the least disgusting Amalga Alice had seen. He gargled something and his collar beeped and a thick Australian accent sounded
" 'Ello lovely. Are you the gossiped Beauty everyone's speakin' of?" He asked.

" Alice." Alice persisted.

"That's great, darlin'. Say, how's about you hang with me 'til ya friends get here?" He asked with a beckoning look.

"One.....Alice....not name.....two.....Alice think....about...offer." Alice said.

"Well that's mighty fine with me! An' the name's 012. Most of the folks here call me Tev, but can call wa'ever you like." Tev said bobbing his head. Alice hissed and walked passed him and held her head and tail up high in a harrumph sort of mood.

"Got some attitude? I kinda like that!" Tev called from behind.

Alice wanted to rip his throat out and she just met him. When they finally entered the control room, 017 was biting his tail.

"There you are, Alice. You too 008 and 021. I have sent the distress call and the receiver should have gotten it by now." 017 said.

"It may be a while until we get a response, so you may want to keep yourself occupied." 021 said.

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