Watching A Movie

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Hunter sat in his chair by the sliding screen door and sighed. It was his first day off from fossil battles in a long time and it had to be marred by a moderate thunderstorm that shut down all dig sites. Hunter had gotten out Alice's Dino Medal and adjusted it so she was the size of a dog. He'd done this a lot. The situation was worse when he heard that wind speeds were nearing forty-five to fifty mph and Vivosaur City was pretty much shut down in the interest of safety. Hunter stood up and stretched his arms over his head, then turned on his TV to the Weather Channel.

"This just in, a tropical storm has been seen in the vicinity of Vivosaur Island and is expected to last for at least twenty-four hours. Residents are asked to stay indoors." Hunter turned the TV back off and grunted. He sat down on his bed and laid down on his back and just started to watch the ceiling.

Alice was laying on his bed cleaning her feathers. Hunter looked at her and began to rub her back. She made cooing tweets as he did so. "I wonder what Duna is doing?" he asked. A knock came at the door. He stopped petting Alice, and got up, walked over and opened the door to see Duna standing there. "Well, that answers my question." "Duna? Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. I just wanted to check up on you and Alice."

"Thank you Duna, we're doing alright." He said, smiling. She smiled back, "Well, I know that you guys have a day off from battling but with this weather I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie that Rosie told me about?"

"Sure what movie?" Duna looked down as if she was a little embarrassed. "Jurassic Park." She finally said. Hunter shook his head and chuckled. "What?" Duna asked at the reaction. Hunter looked over at Alice and said, "Nothing." They all walked over to Duna's room and she opened the door. Hunter looked around and saw that she had a few mementos here and there from various times they spent time together, including a picture of both of them after Hunter awoke her from stone sleep.

"I remember this." Hunter said as he looked closer at the picture. Duna thought back to that day as well. "I still can't believe I hugged you in front of everyone. Your reaction didn't help much either." She said blushing. "Anyway, here's the movies."

"Movies?" Hunter asked, turning. Duna had all three Jurassic Park movies in her hands. "Rosie let me borrow all three and she said there's a fourth coming out soon." Hunter shook his head again. "I'm going to have a talk with Rosie after the storm is over..."

Duna put the first movie into her DVD player and sat down next to Hunter. Alice jumped on Duna's bed and curled up. The movie started and Duna snuggled closer to Hunter. "So, what's this movie about?" Hunter looked over at her and said, "Basically, a man wanted to create an amusement park/zoo that has dinosaurs as its main attraction. Someone sabotages the power system and the dinosaurs start running a muck. The people on the island struggle to stay alive until they can evacuate safely." Duna thought about it for a moment and finally asked, "So a little bit like Vivosaur Island, in a sense?" "Yeah a little."

The movie came to an end and Duna was amazed. "I heard this movie is good but I didn't think it would be that good. Looking at the Dinosaurs I actually believed they were real." She said. "Yeah, this movie was made back in '93. They used a combination of special effects and animatronics for the dinosaurs."

"Would you like to continue watching the others?" Duna asked. Hunter looked down at his watch. It read 5:47 p.m. "Yeah, I don't mind. The storm is still going, but even if it wasn't I'd watch them with you anyway." Duna smiled when she heard that. She put the second movie in and sat down next to Hunter. "What do you think of this one?" Duna asked. Hunter scratched his head, "Well I thought this one was pretty good but the movie got some mixed reviews. Some thought the movie was good and others thought it was garbage. It doesn't really bother me and Alice as much, just about everything that's been created has people who love it and people who hate it. You just have to know how to deal with them." Duna nodded.

During the movie Hunter looked over at her, she was entranced by the movie. Hunter thought it was adorable how she was so into it. By the movie's end she looked over at Hunter with a curious look on her face, "I don't understand how this movie was thought to be garbage." "I can't really say. It's just mostly people's opinions and you know what they say, 'opinions are like butts, everyone has one and sometimes they stink from time to time.'" Duna chuckled when she heard that. She started to stand up but Hunter stopped her, "Here let me put the third one in." "Oh, well thank you." Duna said. Hunter sat back down and started the final movie. "To be honest, it kinda surprises me that Rosie has these movies." They watched the third movie through and Hunter could quickly tell that Duna wasn't impressed. After the movie finished Hunter stood up and stretched. "Well, what did you think Duna?" "Eh, I don't know, the movie felt different from the other two. It was alright, overall however the movies are an interesting idea. I'm just glad that Vivosaur Island was a success." Hunter chuckled and said, "Yeah, me too." They both looked over at Alice and chuckled as she was fast asleep. Duna put the movies back.

Hunter went over to Alice to wake her up, but Duna stopped him. "She can stay here. I'll just tell her you didn't want to wake her." She said. "You sure?" He asked. "Of course!" She said. "Alright!" Hunter said as he got ready to leave.

Duna went to Hunter and gave him a big hug. "Thank you for spending time with me." Duna said. Hunter returned the embrace. "No problem, I enjoyed it." When they pulled a part, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed as her hand went up to her cheek.

"Hey, Duna?"


"If the weather is better tomorrow, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Uh, s-s-sure, I-I would be d-delighted to." She stammered. Hunter opened the door and stood outside and smiled at her. "You know, you're kind of cute when you stammer." Her blush intensified and she turned her head away. Hunter chuckled and told her goodnight. She shut the door and tried to collect herself, that is until what he said finally registered. She got a quick snack, gave Alice a good night kiss, smiled, and walked over to her couch and lied down. Hunter walked into his room and looked at the clock. It read 9:26 p.m. Hunter walked over grabbed something to eat for dinner and then changed into his sleepwear. He then climbed into bed and fell asleep. What he had planned for Duna was something she was going to enjoy. He hoped.

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