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I know this chapter is short, but don't worry! The next one will be SUPER long. So.....

"It's good to see you, sir, but what are you doing here…?" The chief of police asked.

Hunter looked at her,
"I'm here because I'm joining the investigation into the attack." He said.

"I appreciate that but this is something that we're handling." The chief said.

"I can't ma'am, they took Cora hostage along with some others. I want to bring them home. Look, you're new. So you don't know the importance of my involvement in the force. Just ask the older members and they'll tell you." Hunter said suppressing his anger.

"Very well. I will be back." She said. She walked back into a room and talked to someone Hunter recognized.

Hunter impatiently drummed his fingers on the counter. He glanced over to the cell room. He saw Captain Bullwort snoring in his bed. He chuckled at the sight. The chief returned with a defeated look on her face.
"Sorry for the wait, Mr. Hunter. Right this way. But before we go in I have to say that you only have five minutes." She said.

"Thank you." Hunter said.

"Just don't be too rough, I know the other reason you're doing this." Hunter looked over to see his friend Craig. Craig had helped Hunter throughout his adventure leading up to his fight with Guhnash.

"I can't promise that…" he admitted. Hunter followed the chief of police to the interrogation room and the police pulled the cloaked figure into the room and handcuffed his right hand to the desk.

"Who you have there is one Cameron Shaw. He's a professional hitman and mercenary for hire." The police chief explained. Hunter looked confused.

"Why would someone like him try to kidnap Dinaurians?" He asked.

"He's known for having a 'pay him first, he doesn't ask questions' mentality. He doesn't care what he does as long as he gets paid." She said

"Okay." Hunter said, then walked into the room. Cameron looked up and grunted.

"Well, this is a surprise, isn't it?" Hunter said. Cameron didn't answer, he just glared at Hunter.

"I believe this is what people call a 'reversal of fortune', I mean you were going to kill me and now you're in prison while missing an arm." Hunter said.

"I have nothing to say to you. I was just simply evening things out." Cameron said flatly. Hunter walked calmly over to him and smacked him across the face as hard as he could.

"Don't be a smartass. Here's what going to happen: you're going to tell me who hired you and where you took the Dinaurian hostages." Hunter said.

"Or what? You gonna kill me…?" Cameron asked. Hunter grabbed him from the back of his hair and slammed it against the desk.

"Kill you? No, but I remember you saying something about only two people making you bleed? Just tell me what I want to know and I'll leave." Hunter said annoyed.

"Nice try kid, but you're not too bright are you? You think you can threaten a merc for hire?" Cameron asked chuckling. Hunter looked at his watch, three minutes had passed and thirty since Duna rested.

"Shoot, at this rate I'll have to walk…" Hunter thought to himself.

Just before he tried another approach, his phone went off receiving a text from Duna, saying she felt better and was going to work on the VMM.

"I have a question to you Hunter." Cameron said slyly.

Hunter turned to him. "How your beloved girlfriend doing? Trying to crack our VMM?" He said.

Hunter silently gasped, how did he know that she was doing that, unless…

"Oh God…" Hunter said, realizing what Cameron was talking about and he began to run out the door.

"I'd hurry if I were you!" Cameron yelled as he started laughing hysterically. Hunter was running as fast as he could to get to her.

"I hope I'm not too late…" He said fearful and furious.

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