Rage and Teffla

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"So, uh....." Viro began. He was trying to make conversation.

"We......need......find......Digadig....tribe." Alice said plainly. 

"Right.. uh...." Viro was feeling awkward.

"Alice! Hello, my dear!" A voice called from the distance.

"Uh, who was that?" Viro asked looking around. The Chieftain walked up to them with a happy gait. He looked at Alice happily and then turned to Viro. His happy gaze left.

"Oh...it is you? What brings you here." The Chieftain asked.

"Have you seen a Spinax around? Or a Teffla?" Viro asked.

"Need....their....help." Alice said.

"Alice, your speech is unclear. Might I help with that?" The Chieftain asked.

"He's going to do the same things he did with me.." Viro whispered. 

"Alice.....okay....with that." Alice said with a slight tone of hesitation. The Chieftain nodded and then raised both his hands and his head in the air. He did one spin and then faced Alice. He started to shake his hips left and right quite vigorously, all while chanting 

"Digadig Digadig......diga......diga......digadiiiigg!!!!"

A huge rainbow light struck Alice from the sky and then she fell to the ground. Viro frantically ran over to her. He sniffed her, and then she jumped up and look at him. 

"Uh....you okay, Alice?" Asked Viro after a while.

"Yes......Yes I am. Wait, I spoke clearly! I can pontificate! My vocational capacity has increased!" Alice said happily.

"Uhh...what?" Viro asked confused.

"Don't worry about it. Thank you so much, Chieftain! Viro?" Alice said.

"Yes?" Viro asked.

"Let's go find Teffla and Rage!" Alice said.

"Alright." Viro said.



"Hmm...Where is this male? I can't seem to find him....I'm not sure if he can speak Teffla. He doesn't sound like one. Wait! There he is!"

Teffla looked forward and saw a Spinax smelling the ground. He stopped and looked up at her. He cocked his head in confusion. Teffla chirped and tweeted. The Spinax grunted and roared softly. Viro and Alice ran up to them.

"Rage! There you are! Where the heck have you been?" Viro asked.

"I honestly have no idea. But..." He leaned in to Viro. "Who is this Teffla?"

"She belongs to Hunter. Do you not like her?" Viro asked.

"No, no. I do, I was just....curious..." Rage said quickly.

"Let's go find Saurhead. I would feel bad if he kept looking when we already found them." Alice said. Teffla chittered.

"What did she say?" Rage asked confused.

"Oh, I'm not sure I should tell you! You would turn from green to red." Alice hissed in a snicker.

"Uh....." Rage stuttered. Viro chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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