The Battle of The Rogues

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Hunter and the Fossil Fighters continued to charge and the Vivosaurs collided together attacking each other. Rosie was on the back of her Venator until she spotted a very familiar Vivosaur leading the others, her rogue Siamo! He caught Rosie's angry expression and she could've sworn she saw the Siamo grin evilly as his followers were fighting all around him. Rosie gritted her teeth.

"It's time to put a stop to this once and for all..." She thought to herself. She patted her Venator's side.
"Somebody caused Mama pain, baby. Want to help me take of that someone?" Rosie said to her Venator. Her Venator roared in response and ran towards the Siamo. The Siamo roared in response and charged towards them.

"I'm the start of this problem and I'm going to finish it!" She yelled as her Venator bit Siamo in the neck.

The Siamo reeled back and tried to claw at Venator, but just barely missed her eye. Venator swung her tail around and hit Siamo across the face. She then slammed her head down on Siamo's neck hard, throwing it to the ground. A bright white light appeared and Siamo returned back to his medal form.
Rosie hopped off Venator and picked up the Siamo's medal and shook her head in disappointment.

"I don't know what happened to you, but I will help you. I will try everything I can to help you. You're my second favorite next to Venator. I don't want to lose you, I want to help you." Rosie said. She put the medal in her pocket and hopped back on Venator.

"Come on Vena, We have to help stop the others. This battle is nowhere close to being over." She said. Her Venator growled at her in agreement. Rosie smiled and patted her rough hide. She turned around and ran back into the fight.

Hunter and Alice were in the thick of the battle of the plain. Hunter felt a strange sense to look at the cliffs and then he saw a figure standing there.

"That must be the son of a bitch that caused all this mess." He said to Alice. She chittered and ran toward the cliff.

Once she got there, she jumped up and landed near the figure. Hunter jumped off and Alice and stood there growling at the figure.

"I'm impressed, Hunter. I severely underestimated you. I didn't think you would even make it back here, let alone turn this field into a battlefield that would rival the book War and Peace."
The man said.

Hunter said nothing but just glared at him. The voice on the phone was a perfect match. There was a silence. The only sounds were the distant sounds of the rogue battle below and the gentle growling of Alice as her eyes locked on the man.

"So what now? Are you going to attack me? Arrest me? Have your little PET kill me? You will get nothing out of me." The man said.

"You're going to pay for what you've done here." Hunter said with full resentment.

"Oh really? The same empty threat that you hear in just about every movie or video game ever made. Spare me these threats and let action speak instead." The man chuckled.

This was the final straw, he had hurt Duna, hurt his friends, and tried to get rid of the Dinaurians and Vivosaur city. Hunter ran at him throwing a punch toward him. The figure flowed around him and Hunter found himself on the ground on his back.

"You're going to have to do better than that, I'm a master of martial arts. You won't even be able to touch me." He said laughing. Alice pounced on the man and bit his arm. He yelled and kicked Alice off him.
"Foolish beast! You are beneath me! Vox! Join me!" The man said. Just then, a large navy blue V-Ripper jumped up the cliff. It had a black collar with a small capsule containing a dark purple liquid on. It was way buffer than any other V-Ripper Hunter had ever seen. It roared viciously and jumped on Alice, knocking her away from the man.

Hunter got up and slugged the man in the side of his face. He was knocked to the ground and grunted. He got up and growled angrily.
"Not bad, Hunter. But if you want to save a certain little girl, you'll have to do better than that..." He said.
Hunter didn't know what he was talking about, but he wasn't going to let anyone get hurt. He lunged forward aiming for the man's head.

The man ducked, spun around, and kicked Hunter's legs out from underneath him. Hunter faceplanted on the ground and struggled to his feet. The man ran towards Hunter and striked him in weak points of his body. Hunter got a few good hits on the man, but was still no match for him.

Alice and the V-Ripper were going at it fiercely. She had never fought a vivosaur so much stronger and deadlier as the V-Ripper. She had to resort to using all her energy and force it into one massive attack. She stopped fighting for a short period. She stiffened her body, outstretched her tail, her neck straightened and faced the V-Ripper who looked at her confused, her feathers stood high in a full threat display, and she squawked fiercely. She moved so fast that everything around her was moving unbelievably slow. She ran into the V-Ripper with the equivalent of a train collision. She bit its neck and beat it in the air. It landed on the ground whining. The bite on its neck turned orangish reddish. The color soon spread all over its bodu causing its body to convulse in fierce jerks and twitches. The V-Ripper let out a horrifying screech as it began glow in pure white light. Than it poofed and its medal hit the ground. Alice looked at the medal, picked it up, and squawked softly. But instead of reverting back into her dino-medal, she collapsed onto the ground still clutching the medal.

Hunter was so distracted with Alice that he didn't notice the man raising his arm. A sudden jolt in Hunter's chest knocked him onto his feet.
"Well Hunter? Had enough?" The man asked. Hunter quickly jumped back up and with all his anger, punched him as hard as he could in the stomach. The man recoiled in both surprise and pain as Hunter sent a second punch across the figure's face. The man stepped back and spat blood on the grass next to him.

He looked at Hunter as he glared back. The man smiled and let out a grunt, wiping his wrist over his mouth to remove the blood. He then ran at a speed that threw Hunter off guard and punched him until Hunter could barely stand, then he jumped, spun around and kicked Hunter across the face so hard that Hunter was sent flying onto his back, barely able to keep conscious.

As Hunter laid there, the man reached under his cloak, pulled out a pistol and aimed it at Hunter's chest.

"You know I have to give you credit. You're only the second person to make me bleed at all. I almost feel bad that I have to kill you now, but you made your choice. You choose the Dinaurians over your own people and now you have to pay the consequences for that choice. Time to die, Hunter Markos." The man said. He began to pull back the hammer. Time seemed to stand still as Hunter watched the man's finger begin to pull the trigger.

A single shot rang out and then...


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