Chapter 15

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"Hands off my girl you freeloader"

I widened my eyes in disbelief when I saw the person holding my wrist. Yoo Kihyun. I immdiately flinched at his sudden touch.

"My girl in your fucking dreams, how could you say that to Changkyun!" I shrieked.

Yes, Kihyun may be my first love but I can never tolerate this kind of behaviour. Standing protectively in front of Kihyun, I whispered,

"If you are going to be this rude, I will never let you off easily, Yoo Kihyun"

Changkyun, who was supposed to be hurt at Kihyun's harsh words was in awe at how brave I was.

Everyone knew that Kihyun was well respected in Starship, no one would ever dare to say like that to him.

"WE NEED TO TALK," Kihyun, dragging me off somewhere.

I tried to release his grip but Kihyun refused to let me go. I gave Changkyun an apologetic look before leaving him.

Kihyun's eyes soften when he saw how red my wrist was. He did not expect to see me in this unhealthy state.

"Jiyeon ya.." Kihyun grabbed my hand.

"DON'T MOVE AN INCH CLOSER!!" I screamed, moving myself away.

Now I was the one who was scared of Kihyun. Afraid that I was going to fall for him again. He crashed my hapiness,


There was a small tint of


My body was starting to heat up and my cheeks were flushing red. Hey it's so cold here....

And my heart

It's beating....

At a fast speed, faster than any racing cars

"Jiyeon, I- I'm so sorry. I still love you. I was wrong, I really really love you so much," Kihyun cried, wrapping his hands around my shoulder.

He was hugging me so tight as if there was no tomorrow. I stood there in shock, trying to digest everything that was happening.

"Excuse me? How could you just say that?! You freaking left me Yoo Kihyun! YOU DON'T LOVE ME KIHYUN REMEMBER THAT!!!" I screamed.

"You're just coming back to me when you no longer needed her, stop this stupid game because I, have feelings," I murmured sadly.

I pushed Kihyun away with all my might and stood a distance away from him. This was too much.

"Don't you know how much I suffered because of you Kihyun? You said you don't love me anymore and left. Just like appa, you did exactly the same thing"

"It breaks my heart, the people I thought I could lean on left me one by one"

"When I got hurt, the person I wanted so badly was not there to protect me"

"A guy almost killed me Kihyun ya.."

"It hurts...." I cried.

All those feelings I kept for a long time was poured out. I wanted to act strong in front of Kihyun but I couldn't.

I missed his kisses, hugs and his strong arms around me. I wanted to hate Kihyun, but nope. I still love him so much.

"Jiyeon I really love you. Please don't push me away, I swear I will never leave you again," Kihyun trembled.

I looked up and saw Kihyun crying.

Wait why is crying?


Is he crying because of what he did to me?

Why do I feel like a sense of hapiness...

He said he love me too....

Seeing me in silence, Kihyun carried me to the car without letting me say a single word. My eyes were closed since my whole body was slowly drifting apart.

I'm unsure what's happening but he wouldn't bring harm to me right?

Kihyun's POV

I was busy driving until I did not notice Jiyeon was peacefully asleep.

Then there was thump on my shoulder


I turned my left and, seeing Jiyeon's head resting on my shoulder. She snuggled nearer towards me.

I brushed Jiyeon's bangs off to see her beautiful face. She's so perfect, yes she grew thinner,

But that doesn't stop me from loving Jiyeon more

"Kihyun you won't leave me right? But K-Kihyun you left me...," Jiyeon suddenly mumbled something.

I was shocked at the sudden voice but soon realised that it was actually Jiyeon who was sleep talking. My heart broke when I heard those words. She needs me.

"You will be safe in my arms because I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes."

I smiled and kissed Jiyeon's forehead.

I don't need anyone to say that you are pretty because I want the be the only one to say that

Jiyeon's POV:

I woke up resting at someone's shoulder. I yawned and stretched my long hands, hitting someone's face.

Oh fuck

"Eh I am so sorry!!" I quickly aplogised.

"You can hit me anytime if you want to," Kihyun winked.

I gasped when I saw Kihyun beside me, since when was I with him?

"Why am I even here?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Weren't you the one who did not say anything when I carried you?" Kihyun replied.

I scratched my head and stared at Kihyun.


"Are you serious? I'm getting old," I said.

"We are already at Los Angeles by the way," Kihyun said, smilling.

"Oh sure Lo- LOS ANGELES WHAT? EXCUSE ME?" I shrieked.

"Yeah what's wrong with that?" Kihyun pouted.


However, Kihyun pinned me and touched my lips. I widened my eyes in disbelief and closed my eyes shut.

"I told you that you will be safe by my side, right?"



Will Jiyeon like it thoo ;-;;


But I hope ya'll continue reading this book

I love u guys💗

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