Chapter 16

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"I told you that you will be safe by my side, right?" Kihyun smiled, stroking my hair.

My heart fluttered at his gentle touch and I blushed slightly. Kihyun smiled at my shyness.

However, I pushed him away from me upon realising he was no longer together with me.

But my cheeks..., it's bright red again. Why?

"Just stop it, why are you doing this for me when we are already over? Those words, please Kihyun stop playing with my heart!" I cried, avoiding eye contact with him.

I could hear a huge sigh from Kihyun and before I could realise what was happening, I was in his arms

Kihyun's hot breath brushed passed my ears while his head rested on my bare neck.

"I regretted saying that, I swear I still love you"

"And I'm doing whatever it takes to steal you back," Kihyun said firmly.

I was taken aback at his firm words, why is he doing this to me again. I was scared.

"That's easy for you to say because you are a man and you can do anything you want to us, women," I snapped.

With that, I left Kihyun in a state of shock and left the car.

All these harsh words I always wanted to say to Kihyun, I mean it.

But what I know is that

My love for Kihyun grew stronger and stronger, without any apparent reason.


"Ehhh whot why are there no Koreans here?" I panicked.

"Jiyeon, we ARE IN LOS ANGELES," Kihyun said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that for a second," I replied.

Kihyun chuckled, revealing his eye smile. I couldn't help but admire his beautiful laugh and smile.

Those laughter, his soothing voice that made fall in love with him.

"Jiyeon are you blushing?" Kihyun teased, leaning his face towards me.

I was shocked at how close we were and almost fell backwards. However, Kihyun mananged to grab my waist.

I stared in shock when both of our faces were only a few inches apart. Fml.

"Hey you okay?" Kihyun asked worriedly.

I immediately nodded my head and gently pushed his arms away. These small actions Kihyun did always make my heart flutter.

This isn't good.....

"Let's go eat, I'm hungry!" Kihyun exclaimed.

Kihyun took my hand and interwined his fingers with mine. I actually felt so happy, I just wanted to hug him and say how much he meant to me.

But half of me is saying that Kihyun is not worth it and I should leave him. B-but why tho?

I brushed off my thoughts and focused my attention back to admiring the streets in Los Angeles. I didn't want to think about that now.

"Y-yah Kihyun why are you bringing me at this expensive restaurant!" I gasped.

"Because you are worth more than anything in this world," Kihyun winked.

"Hey stop it!" I smacked his arm.

Kihyun smiled and went inside the restaurant, trying to act cool. I sneered, what a douchebag.

My eyes widened in disbelief when I entered, literally eveyone was well dressed! I looked down to see me with only in a shirt and tennis skirt.

"Don't you think I'm at the wrong location?" I nudged Kihyun's arm nervously.

Kihyun shook his head and eyed up at me from up to down. His eyes flickered with excitement.

"Why would you want to dress to impress? You are always beautiful in my eyes and that's what really matters the most," Kihyun said, squeezing my hand.

I gulped nervously and sat on one of the tables Kihyun had already booked. He had to excuse himself for awhile.

I panicked when Kihyun stood up but he promised that he would be back soon. I looked around nervously,  fiddling with my phone.

"Annyeong.." a voice suddenly said.

"Kihyun oh you are back! Oh wait, who are you? Are you Korean?!" I exclaimed.

The man chuckled and took a sit beside me. However he was sitting a bit too close to me. I shifted myself away from him, what does he want from me?

"Yeah I am haha, what's your name, young lady?" the man asked.

I was disturbed by his sudden appearance. What the fuck he's staring at my legs, byuntae!!

"Don't you fucking lay a finger on that woman, she's mine and only mine," Kihyun suddenly appeared, snarling at the man.

He was shocked at how scary Kihyun looked and slowly backed away from me.

I sighed in relief and gestured Kihyun to get out of the restaurant. There was butterflies in my stomach when Kihyun said that.

Kihyun grabbed my wrist and left the restaurant. He took out his jacket and placed it on my shoulder.

"I don't want you to catch a cold," Kihyun said.

I nodded my head and mumbled a 'thanks'. However, Kihyun did not let me off easily.

"What did you just say?" Kihyun purposely asked.

"What? I did not say anything!" I protested.

"Yes you did Kang Jiyeon," Kihyun smirked.

"I just said thank you," I whispered.

"I wonder to who hmm?" Kihyun teased.

"TO MYSELF OKAY BAI," I screamed and ran away from him.

Kihyun chuckled and ran to catch up with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I love you Jiyeon," Kihyun kissed my neck.

I stood there, motionless. I knew Kihyun missed my touch too but I couldn't. The scar in my heart takes time to heal.

So does my love for Kihyun to recover....


In the end, Kihyun and I went to eat at a fast food nearby. The food there was exeptionally good and soon, the day was getting darker.

Kihyun took the card for our room once we reached our hotel and I was curious since there was only one card.

Could it be possibly I am sharing a room with him?


"We are here already, you must be tired. Good night Jiyeon. I love you," Kihyun kissed my forehead.

He handed me my card and proceeded to go off somehwere. I stared at his manly figure until he disappeared from my sight.

Why do I feel so disappointed?

Kihyun may I know what are your feelings for me right now?


First of all


Kiyeon is secute ya'll I'm soft for them :)

I hope Monsta X is enjoying themeselves in their world tour tho I'm not there :")

And get loads of rest okay?♡

Instagram📸 : YKH [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora