One Year Later

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I watched as Kay twisted the long, iron knife into this mans stomach area. Kay could always find the most gruesome deaths for me to watch, permanently scarring me.

I had to watch myself, although it wasn't really me doing it, kill many innocent people, people who had done nothing wrong. Men, women, children, young, old, sick, healthy, it didn't matter.

Over the course of the past year, I (by I, I mean Kay controlling my body) have killed about 50 people, that's about one a week. Kay has changed my body as well. I used to have long, curly, bleach-blonde hair, but since she had to dye it to hide my identity, I now have short, sloppily cut dirty blonde hair.

I also now have a long scar down my right cheek. I had a run-in with a hunter a few months back. He had a special silver knife that was dipped in holy water. Hurt like heck when he cut me. Kay was sure that it wasn't very deep and snapped his neck a few days later.

I've been on the move for months now, only stopping occasionally at cheap motels to rest, to clean up wounds, to kill somebody. I just want Kay gone. I want to go back to my old life, although I'm almost completely sure that will never happen.

"Done and done," laughed Kay, wiping the bloody knife off on the dead man's shirt.

'When are you leaving? When will I be un-possessed?' I thought

"What, you don't like the show?" cackled Kay.

'No, I don't, in fact." I thought smartly. A loud bang came from behind. Somebody had broken down the door, which Kay had made sure to bolt and lock.

Two men, one shorter one with short brown hair and brown eyes and a taller one with longer, brown hair and green eyes, stood in the empty doorway. The shorter man pulled out a long silver knife that had magic writing carved onto the blade.

"No, Dean, this girl is possessed. Can't you see that?" whisper-screamed the taller man into the one called "Dean"s ear. The shorter one, Dean, rolled his eyes and scoffed, tucking the knife away and instead pulling out a canteen that I guessed had some water or something in it.

"Whatcha gonna do to me? You goons can't do anything to me," Kay said, flipping her/my eyes to black and the switching them back to their original blue-green color,"without hurting my friend Cam here".

The two glanced at each other and turned to face me yet again. I could tell they were both strong and they knew how to get her out of me. Dean twisted the lid off the canteen and splashed the contents onto me. I guessed it was some sort of acid, because of the way it burnt when it touched my skin. My body collapsed on the floor in a puddle of the dead mans blood. This was my chance.

"HELP," I cried at the top of my lungs, even though it only came out as a faint whisper. I kept my eyes open long enough to see the two tie my arms and legs together and restrain me on the floor. The taller one pulled out an old looking, leather-bound book.

"Go ahead, Sam", hissed Kay, "I'll come back and hunt you three down."

The one she called "Sam" raised his eyebrows and smiled sarcastically. He began the exorcism.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus.." began the taller one, Sam. Kay started screaming and convulsing on the floor. The burning, acidic taste came up my throat and I realized Kay was being forced out of me. The past year was like rainbows and unicorns compared to the pain I was feeling now.

When Kay had (finally) left, I was too numb to move. Sam shut the book and stuffed back in his pocket. He walked over to me and crouched over me, examining me; making sure I was still alive. Dean walked back to the door, obviously not worried with the girl that was to weak to move.

"Come on Sammy," Dean said, sounding bored.

"P-please.. Help," I croaked, not used to being able to control my own body.

"Hang on a sec, Dean," said Sam worriedly.

"Please," I croaked, eyes getting heavier by each passing second. Wow, an exorcism can really drainage energy out of you.

"What's your name?" asked Sam softly, as if speaking to loud would hurt me.

"C-C-Camryn," I said hoarsely.

"Come on Camryn, we are going to take care of you," said Sam, picking me up gently and carrying me to the door, only to be stopped by Dean.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Since when do we "take care" of anyone but ourselves?" asked Dean, obviously tired and quite agitated.

"Since this girl can hardly speak on her own, let alone get up and go home!" retaliated Sam, still speaking softly. Dean just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"You just think she's hot," he mumbled under his breath. I felt Sam tense after Dean said that. I mentally face-palmed.

'I thought they were a couple.. They are probably brothers or something, judging by the way they bicker. But it's only a very small chance that they could be THE Sam and Dean Winchester, wanted by demons worldwide. I will ask later,' I thought to myself.

"W-water," I mumbled quietly. Sam looked down at me and gave me a small smile, which I returned.

"Sorry Cam, can I call you that? Anyway, you'll have to wait until we get to the Impala," Sam said soothingly. I closed my eyes and smiled, snuggling into his chest and listening to the soothing drum of his heartbeat. I was slowly gaining strength and when I finally mustered up enough courage I asked the one question that I was dying to know,

"Where are we going?"

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