Don't make me mad

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Dean pounded on the door.

"Wake! Up! Sam! It's time to go!" he yelled through the door. Sam mumbled something and threw a pillow at the door. I stood, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and unlocked the door. Dean stood before me, a duffle bag full of supplies hanging over his shoulder.

"Oh, hey. Can you go get Sam?" said Dean impatiently. I remembered they had a job to do nearby. I shut the door and walked over to Sam. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him gently.

"Sam, wake up", I said softly," You have a job to go do". Sam groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Okay, okay. I'm up," he mumbled, standing up slowly. He walked over to the door and opened it slowly.

"How long until w-"

"Hurry up Sam! We need to get down there! There was another attack," groaned Dean impatiently.

"Okay, okay," mumbled Sam, putting his hands up in defense ,"just let me get changed".

"Whatever," Dean huffed ," you've got twenty minutes".

Sam shut the door.

"Close your eyes. I've gotta change," he told me, yawning. I closed my eyes and covered them with my hand. I heard ruffling, like fabric being shifted, and I heard a zipper being zipped.

"Okay, you can open them now," he said, sounding more energized than before. I removed my hand and opened my eyes. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a low cut, white t-shirt, which revealed a tattoo on his upper chest. I should ask him about it later.

"Can you throw me a pair of socks?" he said, motioning to a small dresser behind me. I nodded and turned to the dresses, opening the tops drawer and grabbed two pairs of socks. I tossed him one and sat on the edge of the bed, slipping the socks on my own small feet.

I stood and walked over to Sam, who was sitting on a chair across the room, lacing up his shoes. I sat on the floor in front of him.

"Hey Sam, I just wanted to say.. Thanks," I told him giving a small smile. He stood, as did I, and he looked at me like I was crazy.

"For exorcizing the demon that was in me. For helping me. I mean, if it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead on the floor of an abandoned building. You're the one that decide to help me," I explained. His confused look changed into a smile. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. He rested his chin on top of my head and then pressed his lips to my forehead.

"I want to thank you too, Cam. You've made this the happiest three days of my life since Jess.." he said, stoping to compose himself. I pressed my forehead against his and pressed my lips on his cheek.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I know," I replied.

Dean started knocking on the door again, ruining the moment. Thanks, Dean. Sam chuckled.

"I gotta go. I'll see you soon," he whispered, lightly pecking my lips.

"Okay," I said,"see you soon".

Sam walked out the door and I heard Dean say something, but I couldn't understand what he said. I could tell it was dirty, because of the way Sam groaned. I heard a door slam, signaling they had left.

I wasn't about to go explore Bobby's house, for fear I would see something I wasn't supposed to, so I walk over to the nightstand and opened the drawer. There were a few books, including a few by The Brothers Grimm.

They were classic fairy tale writers and talented ones at that, so I picked up a book and read the cover. 'Cinderella', it read. I laid down on the bed and opened the book and read it, word by word, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph, page by page. It was longer than I had expected it to be and much different than the Disney version, but a good kind of different. It had suspense and thrills.

I re-read it and other stories until the boys got home, scratched and scraped from fighting the ghosts. as soon as I heard the door opened, my ears perked up and I ran downstairs. I saw them and ran to Sam, nearly tackling him in a hug.

"Hey! Where's my hug?" whined Dean, pouting like a two year old. I laughed and walked over to Dean, giving him a hug as well. I looked outside, seeing that it was dark and the stars were shining in the sky.

"I'm going outside, its hot in here," I said to them, walking out into the cool night air. I heard the door shut behind me and I heard another pair of feet walking behind me. I stopped and turned to face my pursuer. It was Sam.

"Hello," I said, smirking.

"Hey," he replied, smiling.

"Why are you following me?" I asked curiously. I honestly wanted to know why this boy seemed to me attached to me.

"Because I have the right," he joked. I rolled my eyes at his stupid joke and kept walking. I finally stopped in the middle of the junkyard and laid down on the hood of a car the was in fairly good condition. Sam did the same.

"So," said Sam, turning to me,"What did you do when we were gone?" I shrugged, seeing as it wasn't very important or as life-changing as his job was. Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You want to know? I sold my soul to a demon," I joked. Sam chuckled and stood.

"I saw you looking at my tattoo earlier," he said, pulling his shirt in such a way to reveal the tattoo.

"It's to protect me," explained Sam, fixing his shirt and holding a hand out to help me up, "Dean has one, too."

"Oh," I said, taking his hand and standing up, "Maybe I should get one, too. Who knows what else is going to try to get me?"

Sam frowned, taking into consideration what I had just said.

"Okay. We can go get it tomorrow," he said, nodding as if he was confirming what he had just said.

"Okay," I replied. Sam grabbed my head and gently pulled me closer to him. He placed my head against his chest and kissed the top of my head. He held me there and we stood completely still. I looked up at Sam and Sam looked at me. He leaned forward slowly shutting his eyes, and his soft lips connected with mine. His hand moved to my neck and pushed me closer to him.

"GET SOME SAM!" Dean cried from nearby. He had been watching us the whole time! Sam pulled away and we started looking for Dean. We split up and looked inside of cars, under trucks, behind trees and in so many other places. After looking through about fifty cars, I heard Sam call me.

"Got him!" he called. I ran to where I heard Sam, only to see him standing in front of his brother, who was smiling and laughing as if he had just heard the funniest joke ever. I walked in front of him and kicked him as hard as I could in the shin.

His laughter stopped and was replaced by pained grunts.

"Ow!" he said, cursing under his breath.

"Next time, don't interrupt," I said rudely, pushing him over into a puddle of mud. I walked over to Sam, who stared at me, an awestruck look on his face, and grabbed his hand.

"Remind me to never make you mad," said Sam, amazement in his voice.

"Don't make me mad," I cockily replied.

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