I need your help

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The Impala hummed as we drove down the dark road, right to another town, to another job, to another nightmare. I honestly didn't see how these two weren't screaming like little girls, but I guess being around it for a lifetime does that to you.

I could relate with my demon problems, because, over the years, it's caused me to see so many things that I shouldn't have seen, things I wish I didn't see, things that you probably couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams, things that literally wait under your bed to slice you up and kill you in the most horrible ways you could imagine.

"You okay, Cam?" said Dean, trying not to wake up Sam, who was sleeping like a child in the seat in front of me.

"As fine as you would be, reminded of your sick, twisted, monster-filled past," I replied angrily. None of my anger was directed at him, of course, but I couldn't help snapping a little. I nearly broke at that motel, both mentally and physically.

Sam mumbled something in his sleep. I reached forward and leaned his seat back slowly, so he would be more comfortable.

"You know he's faking, right?" said Dean.

"Wh-What?" I said. Now it was my turn to be thoroughly confused.

"He hasn't been sleeping at all since he got back. And he's been acting very, very strange," explained Dean in a hushed voice, "like, stranger than usually, which is saying something."

I saw Sam's fists had curled up slightly, but he didn't fool me, I could tell he wasn't sleeping by the way his eyes looked, scrunched up, and his breathing sounded very controlled, like he was trying, although failing to act like he was asleep.

"Sam," I whispered, gently shaking his shoulders, "Sam. We are almost there."

Sam yawned, which sounded very fake now that I listened to it better, and stretched.

"How long until we get there?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"About three hours," I replied in a monotone voice, upset with the way he faked his sleeping

"Then why did you wake me up?" he asked nervously.

"Wake you up?" I scoffed, "Dean and I both saw you. You weren't sleeping."

I was still very tense from earlier and very on edge. Venom laced my words and made me sound harsher than I had meant. Sam reached down and sat his seat up.

"No, okay? I wasn't asleep, I haven't been sleeping since I got back," he admitted angrily.

"Got back? Where did you go?" I asked, honestly curious, but still in an angry tone considering he had been lying to me this whole time. Where could this boy go to make him loose the ability to sleep?

"Do you really want to know?" his voice beginning to sound like Castiel's.


"I went to hell. I went to hell with the devil inside of me. Dean's gone to hell, too," said Sam, pursing his lips.

Questions began to flow into my head, but I kept my mouth shut tightly. How did you get out? What was it like? What did they do to you? Why did you go? But the biggest question I had was the one that I asked, the one I was dying to know the answer to:

"Was my son in there?"

Dean sighed, pulling over to the side of the empty road.

"I honestly don't know," replied Dean, turning back to face me. I felt my face grow red, red from the lies Kay had told me, red from the anger I felt, red from the tears I had to hold in. I opened the door and slammed it behind me, walking down the road.

I heard the roar of the car behind me and the squeak of rubber tires, and I knew they were leaving me. I turned around, which only confirmed my suspicions, the Impala was gone, only a small, red tail light streaming down the road at break-neck speed. I pulled out my phone, my last gift from Sam, and dialed the only number I could think of.

"Hello? Who is this?" asked a familiar voice in the other end.

"Rose, hey it's me. I need your help," I said into the phone.

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