Your best friend, Dean

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I woke up in the position I fell asleep in, my legs tangled with Sam's, my head still on his chest, listening to the pounding of his heart.

Careful not to wake him up, I got out of the bed and made my way over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and drinking some of it. Someone cleared their throat behind me.

I jumped, surprised by the sudden sound, only to see it was Dean, still tired looking.

"You know, he really does like you," he said, leaning on the fridge. I sat my water bottle down on the table and pulled out a chair.

"Is that so?" I said sarcastically, sitting in the chair.

"Well okay then Ms. Know-It-All," said Dean cockily, pulling out the chair opposite of me.

"Well, I could kind of tell by the way he's always around me.." I said in a "duh" tone. It was obvious, wasn't it?

"Oh well if that's all," he chuckled, rolling his eyes. Being the revenge-seeking kind of person I was, I decided to teach Dean a lesson for being rude to me. I took a swig from my water bottle, holding it in my mouth for a moment, and then spitting it all over his face. His eyes snapped shut reflexively. Immediately, an idea formed in my head.

"Hey Dean, I have a way to wake up Sam," I said mischievously.

"And what would that be," replied Dean, wiping his face off on a dry part of his t-shirt. I shook my water bottle and he froze, as if my idea had come to him. A mischievous grin crossed his face.

"Let's do it," he chuckled evilly.


"Ready?" chuckled Dean, twisting the lid to his water bottle.

"Bottoms up," I replied quietly. We glanced at one another and chugged the water, but didn't swallow it. We stood over Sam, who was still sleeping peacefully, and I was beginning to have second thoughts, but Dean tapped my shoulder and have me a thumbs up.

'Its now or never,' I thought.

We stood over Sam and opened our mouths, releasing the water onto him. He eyes flashed open as soon as the water hit him and he sat up, lifting his hands and looking frantically around, trying to figure out how he had suddenly become so wet.

Dean and I fell to the floor in a fit of laughter, clutching our stomachs and gasping. Sam stood up and shook his body like a dog, spraying water everywhere. He glared at Dean and I, trying to figure out who's idea it was.

Dean and I stood, but my partner in crime put his hands up in defense,

"Don't look at me," he said,"It was your girlfriend's idea".

Sam turned to me and glared. But I immediately saw the color rush to his cheeks at me being called his 'girlfriend'.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked, smirking.

"Don't talk to me. You interrupted my dream with Jess.." he said, face growing redder by the second. The room went silent and the playful smirk fell from my face.

"Who's Jess?" I asked in a serious tone.

"It doesn't matter," Sam grumbled, waving me off, "I'm going for a walk".

I started to stand and follow him, but Dean grabbed my shoulders. I turned to face him, and his eyes had begun to get dim, his mouth pulled into a frown.

"Don't follow him, just leave him alone. He needs to get this out of his system," muttered Dean. The door slammed, signaling that Sam had left.

I pulled out of Dean's grip and ran to the window, gently moving the curtains to see Sam running down the street and out of sight. Dean walked up behind me and watched as his brother ran away.

"This is going to be a long day," I sighed, sitting back on the couch.

"Yeah, he probably won't come back until later tonight, knowing Sam," explained Dean. I grimaced, knowing that it was my fault that Sam left. I groaned, grabbing one of the throw pillows that were on the couch and covering my face with it.

"It's not entirely your fault," said Dean reassuringly ,"I could've told you to not do it".

"I would've still done it anyway," I chuckled coldly.

"Well, you and Sammy had girl-talk time yesterday, didn't you? So you know about Sam.. But you're still in the dark about your best friend Dean, aren't you?" chuckled Dean, grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

"I guess.." I muttered, lifting my head from the pillow,"And who said you were my best friend?"

"I did," chuckled Dean. I couldn't help but smile at that.

Dean sat down on the arm of the couch and popped the cap on his beer bottle.

"What do you want to know?" he asked.

"Everything," I smiled, quoting the conversation I had with Sam last night.

"You want to have nightmares for the rest of your life?" Dean laughed sarcastically, taking a long drink of his beer.

"Okay fine, just tell me name, age, family, where you're from, basic stuff like that," I laughed.

'Maybe these boys aren't so different after all,' I thought.

"Dean Winchester, I'm thirty years old, my parents are dead, I have one brother, obviously," he muttered, motioning at the door," And I'm from Lawrence, Kansas".

"That's basically what Sam told me," I laughed.

"Maybe it won't be such a long day after all," chuckled Dean, tipping back his beer and chugging the rest of it.

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