Tired, weak, thirsty, sore (longer chapter)

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I began to hyperventilate, the shock of our situation finally sinking in. Sam dropped his gun and ran to my side, lifting my head and examining my wounds.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? What hurts?" questioned Sam in rapid fire mode.

"Sam, Sam, I'm fine," I panted, worn out from running so much. Dean walked over to me, offering a hand to help me stand up. I cautiously took him hand, still not quite trusting him from our little "incident" back at Bobby's house.

I stood, the pain in my foot coming back sharply. Along with a new pain, a horrible ripping sensation in my left thigh. I gasped and fell back down, Sam and Dean catching me and propping me up on their shoulders.

I shuddered, suddenly very cold and very thirsty. I felt something press against my thigh, only turning to see it was Sam, pressing a thick padding of cloth to the gaping wound in my leg, which was bleeding profusely.

The boys carried me to the Impala that was down the street, luckily it wasn't far, and placed me in the back. Sam crawled back with me and continued to assist me with my injuries. I cried out as my vision became blurry and my head began to throb with every heartbeat.

Sam pressed my head to his shoulder and whispered soothing things into my ear. I sobbed, feeling the sticky, warm blood from my leg seep through the fabric and onto my fingers. Dean pulled into the hospital parking lot and opened the door, letting Sam crawl out and gently lift me out of the car. They jogged inside of the Emergency Room and called for a nurse, who brought the doctors and a stretcher to move me with.

A different nurse kept the boys back, not letting them come with me. A mask was placed over my face and I whispered Sam's name.

I heard the doctors shout things like my dropping heart rate and blood pressure, but only bits and pieces. My consciousness began to go in and out, due to the blood loss.

I let a single tear stream down my cheek, afraid that I would never wake up if I fell asleep. I fell unconscious, still crying silently.


I woke up in a hospital room, a throbbing pain in my thigh. All of the images from yesterday began to replay in my head and I began to worry.

I turned my head, which took as much effort as pushing a car, I might add, and I saw Sam, sleeping in a chair, his hand on mine.

"S-Sam," I whispered hoarsely, which took as much effort as moving. I felt like a ton of bricks had been placed on my chest, preventing me from breathing properly.

Sam's eyelids opened, revealing the green orbs I had become so used to staring into. He looked at me with tired eyes.

"Hey, Cam," he said softly, like one the day he saved me, like he was afraid to break me if he spoke to loud. I smiled weakly. Sam returned my smile and slowly leaned down kissing me gently. I felt myself gain strength.

I pulled away from his lips, just in time too, because as soon as he sat back in his seat a peppy, young nurse walked in, her black, two-inch heels clicking against the floor.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot. My name is May and I will be taking care of you," she smiled, glossed lips pulling into a wide grin, revealing straight, bleached-looking teeth.

"May I have some water?" I whispered, afraid if I talked any louder, my voice would disappear completely.

"Of course ma'am," she grinned, walking out of the room. I heard her heels clickity-clacking down the hall. an back. She re-entered the room, a small, plastic cup of water in her hands, along with a clipboard and a pen, probably to write my information down on.

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