That's a new record!

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Waking up was probably one of my least favorite things to do in my life. But if I didn't wake up, how would I get anything done?

I groaned, flipping the pillow that was under my head onto my face. Sam and Dean had already gotten up and left us girls, probably going to take care of that vampire nest nearby. I lifted my phone and checked the time. 10:37, the clock read. I groaned again.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and stretching my tired muscles. My thigh didn't hurt very much today, so I stood on shaky, tired legs, walking over to the fridge. I only tripped twice!

'That's a new record!' I thought.I wasn't the most graceful, balanced person ever, especially with an injured leg.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, twisting open the cap and drinking most of the water in the bottle.

Rose, who had just as much of a hatred of waking up as I did, groaned, throwing her pillow on the ground. She stood and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a water and drinking it.

"Do you wanna go shopping?" she asked. I looked down at the clothes I was wearing: a black, dirty t-shirt of Sam's, a ripped, muddy pair of jeans that were two sizes too big (I wore a belt I had found at Bobby's), also Sam's, and a scuffed up pair of Converse, which, besides undergarments, were the only thing of mine I was wearing.

"Yeah, most of these are Sam's," I said, chugging the rest of the water that was in my bottle. She "awwed" at my statement. I rolled my eyes, tossing my empty water bottle at her. She caught it with ease, throwing both of our empty bottles in the garbage can.

"There is a mall about two miles down the road," she said, tossing me a hairbrush.

"Great," I replied, "I really need some clothes. All I have is the Beatles t-shirt from that weirdo kid at school and my favorite pair of jeans."

"He's actually a pretty sweet guy," she retorted, setting down the bottle of mascara she had been holding, "A bit weird, but really sweet."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed some of the makeup she had. She grabbed my arm and stopped me, shaking my head.

"Makeover!" she said in an extremely girly voice. I laughed, sitting on the edge of my bed.

After about ten minutes of giggling and laughing for no reason, she had finally finished my makeup. I stood, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I looked just like I had before Kay, young, free, crazy and happy. I smiled and grabbed my only set of clothes from raise my bed.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly changed into my favorite shirt and jeans. I walked back out and grabbed a hair tie from Rose, pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

We finally left, climbing into Rose's blue Sedan. We cranked up the volume and screamed along to our favorite songs, something I hadn't done in ages. I laughed with Rose until the point of tears. We rolled down the widows, letting in a cool, fresh wind. I looked outside and stuck my arm out the window, closing my eyes and lip-syncing along to all of the songs I knew.

Before we knew it, we were at the mall. It wasn't the biggest mall, but it had plenty of good stores like Hollister, American Eagle, Claire's and Hot Topic, along with some others.

Rose pulled the keys from the ignition and stuffed them in her pocket, alongside her phone and lipgloss. We walked into the nearest store, which happened to be my favorite, Hollister, and when we walked out, we each had two large bags, full of clothes. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I immediately pulled it out, checking the text. It was from Sam.

"We just got back where r u?" it read. I quickly typed a reply.

"We went down to the mall to get some clothes . Will be back soon ."

"Hey, Rose, we had better get back soon," I said, grabbing Roses shoulder.

"Why?" she asked, smiling.

"The boys just got back and they're worried," I replied, showing her the text from Sam. She sighed, looking at the store we were about to walk into.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to the car. We got in and drove back the motel, music blaring and voices screaming.

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