What's In The Bag? (Longer chapter)

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~Three Weeks Later~

There was nothing, except the jingle of keys and the locking of a cell nearby. Rose and I had been here for almost a week now, and Crowley had tortured us until we were near to death.

We didn't know what had happened to the boys, but Smitey Mc-Smiterson-Castiel- wasn't answering our prayers to help. We had killed almost all of the black-eyed creeps, when Crowley showed up and took Rose and I without the boys noticing.

Rose and I glanced at each other as the cell door opened and Crowley walked in.

"Hello girls, how are you doing this fine day?" Crowley asked, a devilish grin tugging at his lips.

"How do you think we're doing you black-eyed hell spawn?" I said aggravatedly, pointing at the numerous cuts and bruises on my arms and legs. He laughed, but there was no humor in his voice. It was a cold, heartless laugh that made silent tears stream down Rose's face and chills roll down my spine.

"So, who is today's victim?" he said quietly to himself, eyes darting between Rose and I. He suddenly looked as if a lightbulb had come up above his head. He called in two other demons who were waiting outside.

"We'll take both," he chuckled, motioning for the two to carry us to the torture room. The demons grabbed our arms and force us to the room. We were strapped to separate tables and watched fearfully as Crowley wheeled the cart full of various weapons and torture items toward us.

Crowley revealed to tools to us and picked up a long, rusted silver stake, walking over toward me.

"So, how do your powers work? Will you tell me and save yourself the pain? Or will you be stupid and not tell me?" he said, his eyes scanning me for a good place to begin the torture.

"I don't know," I whispered, tears streaming down my cheek. His lips pulled into a tight line and e thrusted the spike into my left thigh. I screamed in agony as he twisted the knife.

"I don't know! I really don't know!" I cried.

"Stop lying!" he called over my screams. He painfully ripped the stake out of my leg and walked over to Rose, holding up the bloody weapon.

"What about you? What do you know?" he said slyly, positioning the stake over her right arm.

"I swear, we don't know anything!" she sobbed as the stake plunged into her arm painfully. Crowley left the stake in her arm and walked over to the tray, picking up a long, sharp knife, probably made of iron. He took the knife in his hands and examined it. He was pleased with the weapon and walked over to me.

"You had better squeal, before I chop of your toes," he chuckled, standing by my feet and putting the knife near my foot.

"If I knew something, anything, don't you think I would've told you by now?" I spat, trying to fight through the pain. He growled something and lifted the knife, preparing to chop off my foot. All of a sudden, an alarm went off, alerting the demons someone, or something had broken in or out of the prison/torture headquarters.

The door burst open and two figure stood in the pale light. I could hardly see them, but I was hoping it was who I thought it was.

"Sam, Dean," I mumbled. Shots were fired and all of the demons, except Crowley, were laying dead on the floor. Crowley unbuckled me and I sat up, only to me pulled backwards by my hair.

"If you take one more step, I will not hesitate," he growled to the two people, who I was sure were the Winchesters. He placed the blade of the knife against my neck and began to press. I let out a strangled cry.

"Sam! Dean! Help!" I cried hoarsely, tears flooding my cheeks.

"Shut up!" Crowley growled into my ear, pushing the blade deeper into my neck. I felt my own, warm blood running down my neck. I closed my eyes and opened them, trying to clear the tears from my vision. A third figure had appeared, this one carrying a large sack.

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