Well, it could be worse..

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"To the motel," said Dean, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh," was all I could think to say.

We finally reached a '67 Chevrolet Impala (don't judge me, I need something to do in my spare time) and Dean jogged over to the driver's side, unlocking the doors and getting in.

"Wow," I whispered to myself. I was a real car enthusiast and I had a small model car collection back at my apartment in California. I loved the classics and I myself drove a small, red, two-person '70 Bug, a Sweet Sixteen gift from my parents.

Sam set me down and placed a hand on the small of my back, ushering me to the car. I climbed into the backseat and buckled in, Sam tossing me a bottle of water. I unscrewed the lid, taking a big gulp of the cool, refreshing drink. I sighed with content as Dean revved the engine of the car.

"Nice car," I said to nobody in particular, because I didn't know who's car it was.

"Thanks," Dean chuckled,"She is a beautiful thing."

He patted the steering wheel and drove away from the abandoned building. I looked around the car and saw nothing special, a couple of food wrappers on the floor and an air freshener tree thing hanging from the rearview mirror.

I sat my head against the window, the cool glass fogging up from the heat of my body. The bumps on the road were soothing, gently rocking me to sleep.


When I woke up, we were pulling into the parking lot of a cheap motel called , "La Verde Soldado", which translates to "The Green Soldier" in English.

We pulled in and I climbed out of the car, stretching my limbs and yawning. My knees turned to jelly and I collapsed, gasping and the sudden fall. Dean and Sam rushed over to me, each putting one of my arms over their shoulders and carrying me inside.

"Hello, room for three?" said the young man standing behind the counter. He was young, eighteen to twenty, tops, and definitely working in a cheap motel just to get paid.

Sam and Dean glanced at each other over my head.

"Yes sir," said Dean offering up a totally fake smile.

"I'm sorry sir, we have only one of those rooms left, but it has two beds and a couch.." said the boy as he checked his computer.

"Well I guess that will have to work," said Sam, smiling like Dean did. The boy nodded and typed something into the computer. He asked for a name, and I started to panic. All hunters used fake names and alibis so they couldn't be tracked. What was my name going to be now?

"I'm John Smith and that's Matt and Jessy, my brother and sister," said Dean. Well, it could be worse.

"Okay Mr. Smith", said the boy, handing Dean the keys to our room,"You guys are in room 4. It's $15 a night and we serve breakfast".

"Got it," said Sam, waving off the boy.


"Hey Sam, I think you have some competition," said Dean cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows. Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed at Dean's teasing. I giggled and Dean turned around to face me.

"So kid, do you like my brother?" questioned Dean playfully. I pursed my lips and felt my cheeks heat up. I looked away, pretending to be interested in the fuzzy fabric on the couch.

Dean busted out in a fit of laughter.

"Tha-that's rich!" laughed Dean, clutching his stomach and trying to catch a breath.

"What's rich?" asked a man in a trench coat who suddenly appeared behind Dean.

"Cas," said Dean, still chuckling, "Cas, this is Camryn. Cam, Castiel."

"Hello Camryn. I heard about Kay. I'm sorry for what you went through," said the man, Castiel, in a monotone voice and sticking out a hand to shake.

He was all the way across the room and I still couldn't walk. Seeing my dilemma, Sam walked over to me and helped me stand, guiding me over to Castiel. I shook Castiel's hand, offering up a small smile. The corner of his mouth quickly twitched up and fell back into the small line. I guess that was a smile?..

"How did you get there?" I asked softly, my throat becoming quite sore. I probably caught something..

"I'm an angel of The Lord," said Castiel.

"Oh," I said. It was the only logical thing I could think to say.

"Yes. Sam, Dean, there is a problem. Many demons a congregating nearby. As are many Reapers.. Something is about to happen," explained Cas.

This obviously wasn't something I needed to hear, considering I was just exorcized a few hours ago. I tuned out their conversation, staring of into space until someone said my name.

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