Thanks Cas (longer chapter)

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I ran back into my room, slamming and locking the door behind me. It was then that I broke down into a sobbing, snotty disaster. I sunk down in front of the door, covering my face with my arms. Dean had kissed me, and the worse part was, I liked it. I had been so sure I loved Sam, but Dean.. Next thing you know, I would be falling for Castiel!

I paused, a sob catching in my throat, to hear Sam talking to me.

"Wh-what's wrong, Cam?" he cooed, rushing over to me and stroking my hair.

"I-I can't tell you," I sobbed, curling up into a tighter ball, trying to disappear into a small wad of nothingness.

"Of course you can," he said softly, sitting next to me and pulling me into his chest. I flinched at his touch, feeling so dirty, so wrong, so undeserving.

He kissed the top of my head, which only made me cry harder. Sam stiffened, obviously upset by my actions.

"Okay, you don't have to say it, but I want to know. I'll ask you questions and you answer. One sniff yes, two sniffs no. Okay?" he said, trying to get me to tell him what was wrong.

"O-okay," I whispered. I was scared of what he would do when he found out. Would he be mad at me?

"First question, was it something I did?"

I sniffed twice.

"Okay, good. Was it something Dean did?"

I sniffed one time.

"Okay.." he began to sound a bit ticked off, "Did he hurt you?"

I didn't know how to reply to that one. I stayed silent, trying to not sniff.

"I-I don-n't know-we how to re-p-ply to that-t on-ne" I whispered. I looked up at Sam's face and saw him staring back at me with an angry frown.

"Did he kiss you?"

I sniffed once.

It was as if something snapped in Sam. He stood quickly and walked over to the wall across from where I was sitting. He raised a white-knuckled fist, leaving a gaping hole in the wall. I screamed as loud as I could, running out of the bedroom and out the front door, barefoot and without a jacket on.

I ran through the junkyard and to the woods, which was illuminated with the white light from the sun. I ran for what felt like ages and finally stopped at a large, hollow maple tree.

Immediately realizing what a mistake it had been to not grab a jacket or shoes, I began to shiver, climbing into the hollow and tucking my arms and legs into the shirt I was wearing. It was Sam's shirt so I pressed it to my nose, inhaling deeply.

'It still smells like Sam,' I thought, closing my eyes and letting more, silent tears escape my eyes. I made myself relatively comfortable on the leaves, twigs, grass and dirt inside the hollow. I hiccuped and sighed, letting myself fall into a light, dreamless sleep.


I woke with a start, and the sky was and eerie, inky black. I heard three pairs of feet pounding near my hollow.

"I know she's here! I know it.." Said Sam's voice. I heard a slight rustle near my hollow and Castiel's face appeared in front of the entrance.

"Sh, don't tell them where I am," I whispered to Cas, placing my index finger over my lips. He nodded his head and disappeared. I peeked out of my hollow to see Sam, Bobby and a very beat up Dean holding flashlights and huddled in a tight circle. Cas appeared behind them and said something, making them jump.

"She isn't anywhere near here, and she isn't anywhere in that direction," he said, pointing toward my hollow.

"Okay, thanks Cas," replied Bobby. Castiel vanished, leaving the three in the silent woods. They turned in my direction. I ducked and mentally face-palmed. Castiel basically gave away my spot.

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