Important authours note plz dont skip or i will cry

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HELLO MY UNICORN SPECIAL PEOPLE . lolol I'm trying to avoid long authors notes like this one but I have a very important announcement .. I HAVE A NEW EDITOR (one that is not me lolol) HER NAME IS HEATHER WISE AND SHE IS AN ABSOLUTELY PERFECT GIRL WHO I LOVE (like a sister) and she is so strong and she is definitely one of my hero's . ALSO , I am going back to school on Monday , two days from now (ughhhh *dies a little inside*) and I won't be able to update as often because my teachers love giving me a butt load of homework every day .. So I will try to update at least once a week if I can . If not , just remember that it is my teachers' fault . I love you guys like my virtual family I've never met (lolol) and please share my stories with your friends who might enjoy them . it would mean a lot .*virtually hugs all my followers / readers* THANKS MY SPECIAL UNICORN PEOPLE . btw my editors user name is @midnight123456789

please follow her because she is amazing and she is such a big inspiration for my stories (:


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