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We hopped into the Impala and drove away, because we were not going to put Bobby at risk. I hummed a random tune and placed my head against the window of the Impala.

"Do you know what's following you?" asked Dean. Rose and I glanced at each other nervously.

"Crowley," I replied quietly.

"Crowley? Like, the demon Crowley?" Dean asked.

"Yes," I answered quietly. Sam and Dean stiffened.

"I thought he was dead," Sam muttered.

"Most people think I'm dead, but am I, really?" I replied.

"And you're sure i-"

"Yes, we're sure, guys," Rose snapped. I looked over at Rose and gripped her shoulder. She turned to face me and I shook my head. Her shoulders fell a tad bit and her mouth fell into a frown. We had both changed so much since we came here. We had both gained dark circles under our eyes and our hair has grown slightly. We are leaner, taller, more graceful with our lightened weight. We had grown up more mentally than physically, though. We thought clearer, acted more mature.

The inside of the car grew quiet, as nobody knew what to say. I sighed and laid my head against the window. I looked out the glass at the green-brown blur of trees. Rose began to hum a random tune and I smiled a little.

'Maybe it won't be so bad fighting this with a team,' I thought.

"Where are we going, anyway?" I asked, quietly.

"North," Sam replied simply.

"Where, North?" I asked, I just wanted the juicy details.

"Just, North," he answered, sounding a bit aggravated. I put my hands up in defense, even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay, okay. I get it. North," I sighed quietly. I put my head back against the window and closed my eyes, unable to fall asleep. My body may have been exhausted, but my mind was racing a million miles an hour.

Where were we going? Why were we going there? When would they tell me? These were just a few of the questions that jammed my head. But the most important one, the biggest one, the one that affected us the most: Will we survive this?

My head began to pound and ache, making me cover my eyes and groan. Sometimes, after our seizures, Rose and I would get terrible migraines. Rose quietly handed me a bottle of water and a bottle of painkillers. I quickly swiped them from her hand and took two little, red pills. I handed them back to her.

"I've already taken mine," she said quietly. I set them down on the seat between us. The pounding in my head instantly began to lessen. I closed my eyes and sat back in my seat. Dean, obviously bothered by the silence, turned on the radio. A familiar tune hit my ears and I began to hum along. "Second Chance" by Shine Down was a great song. I began to sing the song quietly to myself.

(A/N: Second Chance by Shine Down)

My eyes are open wide

By the way, I made it through the day

I watched the world outside

By the way, I'm leaving out today

I just saw Haley's comet shooting

Said "Why you always running in place?"

Even the man in the moon disappears

Somewhere in the stratosphere

Tell my mother, tell my father

I've done the best I can

To make them realize this is my life

I hope the understand

I'm not angry, I'm just saying

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

Please don't cry one tear for me

I'm not afraid of what I have to say

This is my one and only voice

So listen close, it's only for today

I just saw Haley's comet shooting

Said, "Why you always running in place?"

Even the man in the moon disappears

Somewhere in the stratosphere

Tell my mother, tell my father

I've done the best I can

To make them realize this is my life

I hope the understand

I'm not angry, I'm just saying

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

Here's my chance

This is my chance

Tell my mother, tell my father

I've done the best I can

To make them realize this is my life

I hope the understand

I'm not angry, I'm just saying

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance

Sometimes goodbye is a second chance


It was night by the time we pulled into a nice looking house, somewhere in southern Indiana.

"I'll be right back," Dean muttered, opening the Impala's creaky door and walking up to the front door. He reluctantly knocked and soon a young woman opened it. She had long, dark colored hair that had been put up into a bun and a short, black dress. Her hands were up near her ear, as if she was putting in earrings. She had been smiling when she opened the door, but as soon as she saw Dean, her happy look was soon replaced by a serious, slightly angry look.

The two spoke for a moment and Dean face-palmed. The lady reluctantly let Dean inside and all was silent for about twenty minutes. Soon, Dean walked out of the house, followed by a boy, who looked about twelve years old, and had dark hair and pale skin and looked a lot like Dean. The boy walked in front of Dean, making him stop. Dean got down on his knees and placed a hand on the boys shoulder. The boys shoulders dropped and his head fell. Dean sent the child back inside and walked stiffly back to the car.

I set my head against the window and pretended to be asleep. Dean got back into the car and whispered something to himself. We quickly drove away from the house and I wondered, Who were they?


A/N: I ADDED LISA AND BEN . That was hard to write . I almost broke down ...... >-< Maybe I should add more to this from the show ? I'm trying to add events from the show into this .... So it's not completely confusing , even though it is . MY BRAIN HURTS IM SO CONFUSED . But yeah . Trust me , the next chapter is going to be good(:


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