They're still monsters (longer chapter)

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"Cam," breathed Sam nervously, "How did you get here?"

"What's it to you?" I sneered, hopping past him and his brother with Rose still glued to my side.

"Where those two Sam and Dean?" Rose whispered, glancing over her boulder to check and make sure we weren't being followed.

"Yeah," I sighed regretfully, kind of sad that I was so rude to Sam, although he did leave me beside an empty Interstate.

"I think the shorter one is cute," she whispered in my ear.

"That's Dean," I said, giggling slightly.

We finally found our room and we unlocked the door, walking inside. We had closed and locked the door, only for someone to knock on it again. Rose and I groaned in unison.

"Just a minute!" called Rose, leading me to the love seat and setting me down. She walked back and peeped through the peep hole. She opened the door just a crack.

"What do you want?" she rudely asked our guest.

"Whoever it is, Rose, just let them in. Even if it is Sam," I told her, wincing as I stood to greet the person. Lo and behold, Sam Winchester walked into the room with his head hung and his shoulder slumping. I folded my arms across my chest.

"Hello," I said, very rudely. Sam mumbled something, probably "Hey, Cam" in return.

"What, may I ask, are you doing here? Who do you think you are?" I asked, anger filling me. I'm sure steam was beginning to come out of my ears.

"I think, I came here to say sorry," he mumbled, hardly lifting his eyes to meet mine. I suddenly felt sympathy for him, and maybe even pity. I knew what it was like, being left, going a long time without sleeping, feeling so low you couldn't even feel emotions. That's what I felt when Kay aborted my baby. I only ever felt alone, until I met the Winchester's. Dean was like the guy friend/brother I had always wanted, and Sam.. Where do I start?

I thought it over, considering all of these things and the fact that he had gone without sleep for a while, and I finally said, "Okay, I forgive you."

Sam's head shot up and he smiled the cheesiest, most happy-looking smile that a person could make. He jumped forward and grabbed my waist, spinning me around. I heard Rose whooping in the background, finally seeing what I meant when I said I was in love.

He finally sat me back down on the ground, placing his forehead against mine. I heard a loud set of footsteps coming down the hall, meaning Dean was probably walking down to see us.

Dean walked into the door and stopped, taking in the sight before him, which was Rose. Rose, a girl of twenty-five with long, bleach-blond hair and blue-grey eyes and a warm although cheeky smile that could instantly melt hearts, was sure to spark an interest in Dean.

"Hi," she said shyly.

"Hey," he said, trying to make himself look cool by leaning against the doorframe, "What's your name?"

"Rose," she giggled, her cheeks suddenly growing slightly pink. Sam and I watched as these two talked, getting to know each other. It was very entertaining to watch, Rose wasn't usually very shy. She was usually very outgoing and crazy, unless someone she liked was nearby. Dean ended up swapping phone numbers with Rose. I quickly hopped over to Dean.

"Remember when I kicked you? Hurt her," I threatened, point at Rose but keeping my eyes locked on Dean, " And I will hurt you thirty billion times worse than when I kicked you."

"What could you do to me?" he retorted. I heard Rose and Sam laughing in the background.

"Trust me, let's just say, you'll never have kids again," I sneered, flicking his nose. He flinched and rubbed his nose, mumbling curses at me under his breath. I kicked his shin (with my right leg, of course) and he groaned, falling to the floor. I stuck my tongue out at him and hopped over to where Sam and Rose were. They were obviously holding back laughs.

I smiled at them and we all bursted out laughing, except Dean, of course, who was laying on the ground, still groaning quietly. I giggled as Rose walked over to Dean, helping him off the floor. His arm was around her shoulder and his leg I had kicked (the right one) was suspended off the floor. I 'awwed' at the adorable sight in front of me. My girl best friend and my guy friend were falling in love. Maybe this was why Dean picked on Sam and I so often, because it was cute how the other reacted.

I felt someone lace their fingers with mine. I looked at my hand and then up at Sam, who still had that cheesy, happy smile painted on his face. I stood on my tippy-toes and kissed his cheek. I'd much rather be like this than running from demons and monsters.


We walked into our motel room, laughing our heads off from what had just happened. We were all staying together now; Dean and Sam had came into Rose and I's room and were staying in here with us.

I limped into the room, my foot healed but the wound in my thigh still very sore. I ignored the pain, though, because it would dampen our happy mood.

The room began to feel a bit crowded, but in a good way, like we were a family. I sighed, laying back my bed and tucking myself under the covers. Dean, Sam and Rose had each grabbed beers from the Impala and were now happily sipping on their drinks, watching T.V and talking about how good the food had been, or the hilarious disaster that had happened at the restaurant we had just went to.

Dean had ordered a BLT sandwich, Rose had asked for a cheeseburger, Sam, a plate of chili cheese fries for us to split, because we weren't very hungry. The waiter, who couldn't have been older than seventeen, returned with our food and a wink for Rose, who rolled her eyes. Seeing this, Dean stood and began fighting with the waiter, who shakily taunted Dean.

This made Dean even more angry and he threatened to hit the boy. By this time, a large crowd had gather around them, screaming for a fight. Sam stepped in the middle of the two and kept them from hitting each other. The boy, not noticing that Sam was trying to help, kicked Sam as hard as he could. Sam hardly flinched at this and picked the boy up by the collar of his uniform shirt.

"Don't do it again," he sputtered at the boy. He released the boy, who fell to the floor. The waiter boy stood again and kicked Sam again.

Sam shoved the waiter, who was a good five to six inches shorter than himself, and the boy went flying across the room. He hit the wall with such force that it left a small dent in the drywall where his head had come in contact with it. He fell down, cursing at Sam and holding his head with his hand. Everyone, including us girls, started laughing our heads off about this, because of some of the weak and puny insults he had muttered. Even Sam and Dean let out slight chuckles.

The manager had watched the whole thing go down and the boy was fired. We had been banned from the diner for life, to the disappointment of some tourist/residents who found it quite funny.

I sat up and hobbled over to the sofa where they were hanging around. They had stopped talking about the incident and the boys began talking about the case they had to take care of nearby. It was a vampire nest and they were killing the cattle of nearby ranchers.

"At least it's not people they're killing," I added, earning myself an awkward glance from Dean. Sam reached for my hand and gripped it. He could tell something was going to happen. Dean shrugged, taking a sip from his beer.

"It may not be people that they're killing, but they're still monsters. They're still hurting people," he replied. I closed my eyes and and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied. I felt Sam squeeze my hand gently. I think he could tell I was trying not to pick a fight with his brother. Rose stretched and yawned, breaking the awkward silence that had befallen the room.

"I think we should go to bed," I said. Sam lifted me up and carried me to the bed, knowing that my thigh was still hurting me. I laid down on the soft sheets and felt as Sam pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my waist. I curled up into a tight ball and snuggled into him. I felt his warm breath tickle the back of my neck and I smiled. I heard a quiet sigh of content from where Rose and Dean lay. I smiled wider, glad that they liked each other so much.

I turned to Sam and placed my hear under his chin, my hands pressed against his chest. I could feel every heartbeat and every breath he took under my fingers.

I looked up at him, seeing he was laying there with his eyes closed, because he didn't ever sleep, and kissed him lightly on the lips. He smiled and pulled me closer, if that was even possible. I finally fell asleep, laying in a warm, comfortable bed, surrounded by people I loved.

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