So, now you know

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We finally got back to the motel, only I find Dean sitting with a bottle in his hands.

"Dean, we need to go. Now," Sam urged his wasted brother out to the car. Dean mumbled something under his breath and stood, slowly walking out to the car.

I suddenly began to smell something. Something very, very familiar.

'Sulphur' I thought. I began to freak out. I made Sam set me down on the ground so I could walk myself.

I unsteadily hobbled over to Dean, ignoring the pain in my foot and thigh. I grabbed his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"Dean, we need to go. Something very bad is about to happen and I-"

"Don't talk to me like I'm some little kid," scolded Dean, the strong smell of alcohol rolling over his tongue. I rolled my eyes and ran, well more so limped, to the car and got in quickly, Sam trailing close behind.

Something pulled me out of the car before I could shut the door. I flew back to the motel, pinned to the wall and completely unable to move. I smelled sulphur nearby, very scared of what it would lead to.

I felt the familiar burning sensation in my throat, and the horrible choking feeling that came along with it. I fell to the ground again, unable to move.

'No. No, not you again,' I thought, very scared. Sam and a now very sober Dean rushed over to me, only to be thrown backwards by Kay.

"Oh you silly boys, don't you know how powerful I am?" she giggled coldly, "ever since you guys got rid of my dear old friend Lilith, I've been second in command downstairs."

"What an honor it must be, being the second most evil thing in hell," choked Dean, trying to insult Kay out of me.

"Do you want to know what she was thinking? Do you honestly want to know what deep, dark, dirty thoughts she has been thinking of?" Kay said, using her evil, demonic powers to hurt both of the boys.

They glanced at each other and looked back at Kay.

"Yes, we want to know," replied Sam angrily.

"Do you know why she is scared of kissing you, Sam? Of why she won't let you sleep with her?" she cackled.

'No! Please don't tell them!' I screamed at her in thought.

"Too late, hun. She's afraid of getting pregnant again," she laughed evilly.

Sam looked at Kay, well, Kay and I, well, mostly me as if I had suddenly caught fire.

"Wh-wha?" he stuttered at a loss for words. I was immediately regretting ever coming with the Winchester boys.

"Oh, Cammy didn't tell you? She was pregnant when we first got together. I made her abort the baby," she laughed evilly, patting my stomach, "it would've been a boy. She had everything planned out with a little ribbon on the top. She would've been a single mom with a little boy named Jonathan, well, that is, before I came along."

"You had better stop," I said, somehow gaining control over my body again.

"Why? Because you're afraid that I will tell you that your precious little gift is rotting in the fire, because that's what is happening, right it this very second. He's screaming for his mommy," she retorted, taking the wheel back.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed, regaining the control I had over her. We grappled for control and I finally won, and she left my body.

I fell to my knees, panting hard from the fight.

"So, now you know," I cried, silently in memory of my lost baby. Sam and Dean fell off the wall and onto the sidewalk. Sam quickly stood and ran over to my aid. We stood, all three of us walking towards the car again.

"I-I didn't know," he stuttered, still in shock, I guessed.

"Well now you do, so don't ever, EVER bring it up again," I warned him.

He stopped, turning to me.

"Never," he whispered as he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I felt more tears roll down my cheeks and my nose began to run like a faucet. Dean came up behind me and slapped my back, in a friendly way, of course.

"It's okay, I mean hey, at least you have Sammy," Dean chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied, wiping the tears from my eyes. Wow, I sure did cry a lot lately. I hate being a girl.. especially at this time of month, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

"Let's just go," I sniffled, trying to get away from this horrible place.

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