Something's about to happen

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I woke up in an empty room on an uncomfortable, hard mattress. My hands and legs were bound to the bedposts and I squirmed, trying to escape the bounds. I stopped, the searing rope burns on my wrists and ankles becoming unbearable. I panted, sitting up as far as I could and I looked around the dark room. I saw a dark figure standing just outside the light that was focused on me. I couldn't see this person's face, but I immediately recognized him.

"Sam," I breathed, "Help, please."

I heard a low growl on the other side of me, and a horrible smell, like raw, rotten flesh, swept over me and made me become queasy. I turned, seeing the most terrifying dog I had ever seen, but it wasn't the first time I had seen a dog like this.

"Sam!" I screamed, "Help! There's a hellhound!" I heard a chuckle and Sam stepped closer. I turned to him, eyes watering slightly from the fear of being ripped to shreds, and I begged and pleaded for him to help me. He smirked and his eyes suddenly turned a deep, dark black.

My blood suddenly ran cold and I screamed. The hellhound howled and put one of its gigantic claws on my abdomen, ripping me open.

All of a sudden, I heard something I thought I'd never hear. I heard my baby boy, crying. I sat up a little and saw my baby, a small boy with long, light brown hair like Sam had and blue-green eyes like mine sitting on my bleeding stomach. He looked up at me, his small hands wiping his tears from his cheeks.

"It's my fault, mommy," he whimpered, pointing one of his small hands at the hellhound. I struggled, trying to free myself from my bounds so I could save my son. Sam smirked, lifting the boy and holding him on his hip.

"We could've been happy," chuckled Sam, his eyes still a solid, inky black.

"We still can be," I tried to reason with him, "We-I-Just.." I began to stutter nervously, out I ideas and my mind becoming foggy from the loss of blood.

The hellhound howled again, ripping my stomach again. I screamed and a little girl appeared, and she had my long, blond hair and Sam's beautiful, green eyes. She was crying as well.

"Mommy," she whispered, sniffing her runny nose. I gasped, fearful for these kids, apparently Sam and I's children, who were watching me bleed out in front of them. Sam picked her up as well, holding her on his other side.

"Say goodbye to mommy, Jessie and Jonathan," Sam cackled.

"Bye mommy," the kids cried, burying their heads in Sam's shoulders. The hellhound cackled and I turned, only to watch it morph into none other than Dean Winchester. He smiled and lifted a long, deadly-looking serrated silver knife, plunging it into my stomach.

I screamed in agony as Dean twisted the knife, sending a searing, ripping pain through my body. Tears flooded my eyes and I couldn't see anything but fuzzy shapes and outlines of everything. I died, slowly and painfully at the hands of the people I loved like my only family. I heard Sam and Dean cackle and laugh at my dead body and the kids weeped and cried for me.


I woke up, screaming. Sam, Dean and Rose rushed over to me from the sofa, where they had been sitting, probably watching T.V.

I grabbed the sheets and his underneath them, crying and sobbing about the dream I just had. I had dreams like that, but they only happened when something really bad was about to happen.

"Cam, what's wrong?" asked Sam, worriedly. I peeked out of the sheets with red-rimmed eyes. Roses eyes gleamed with understanding. She and I both had this ability; we had horrible nightmares when something bad was going to happen.

"Was it a nightmare?" she asked, sitting next to me. I sniffed, nodding my head in reply.

"Something's about to happen. Something bad," she explained, standing suddenly.

"How do you know?" asked Sam worriedly. Rose explained our nightmares, how we had them on the same nights, the nights our families were murdered. The boys sighed and Sam sat next to my shaking body.

"What was it about?" he asked quietly. I explained my nightmare, down to every last grim and grisly detail.

"We have to leave. Now," I whispered when I was done, sniffing my nose and wiping the tears from my cheeks. Everyone stood, even me, and we grabbed everything that was ours and threw it into the Impala, driving away as fast as we could.

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