What happened to you?

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"Hey Cam? Where are you?" she replied, "And what's wrong? Where have you been?"

"I'm somewhere in Illinois right now, on," I peered at the road sign that was nearby, "Interstate 36."

"Well why are you all the way there?" she laughed.

"It's complicated, can you come and get me? Take a flight out here. I'm kinda stuck roadside."

"Babe, you know I've got your back. Be there in five hours, tops." She replied, worry in here usually carefree voice.

"Okay thanks. Can we talk for a bit? At least until you get on the plane?" I begged, not wanting to sit in the dark completely alone.

"Of course."

All of a sudden, my phone beeped in my ear. I pulled it away from my cheek to see I only had twenty percent battery remaining. I cursed my phone under my breath.

"Cam? What's wrong?"

"My phone is on twenty percent," I explained.

"Well talk then, woman!" she shouted, nearly making me deaf.

"I got mad at the guy I like, no, scratch that, the guy I am in love with, for lying to me." I explained, itching to tell her every detail about Sam and Dean. She already knew about my "family issues" with my mom, so she could take a story like the one I was about to tell.

I checked my phone again, only to see that it was at six percent and I had one text. It was from Dean.

'I'm sorry,' it read, 'Sam asked me to.'

I suddenly hung up on my friend, shouting profanities at the sky, kicking the asphalt beneath my feet. After about an hour of screaming myself hoarse, I finally curled up in a ball and cried, hugging my legs and waiting to flag down the next car that passed.

I sat for hours on end, waiting for a car to come by, but none did. Not a single one. My eyelids began to get heavy as I saw a blue Sedan pull up beside me. It was obviously a rental because it had a Hawaiian license plate. I saw a familiar bleach-blonde head peak out of the driver side window.

"What happened to you?" asked Rose, or R for short.

"R, I've had a rough year," I sighed, venting my story to my best friend, wait, scratch that, she was more like a sister to me. Anyway, I vented the story to my 'sister' as I climbed into the car and we drove off, in the same direction that Sam and Dean went.

"Wait," I said, leaning forward in my seat and suddenly on the verge of tears. She had listened to me for all of my life, and I had done the same for her, so we knew each other, inside and out. She knew something was wrong and pulled the car over.

"This is the way they went," I said, a lone tear falling down my cheek.

"Aw, come here, hun," she soothed, wrapping her tan arms around my small body. That lone tear soon became a trickle, which became me breaking down into a sobbing, snotty mess.

My friend had been so busy comforting me that she had not noticed the man that had pulled up beside her. That man, one that I wasn't exactly too fond of, knocked on the window of the car. She pulled away from me and slowly rolled the window down, just a bit.

"Hey man, my friends had a rough few days, she needs to-"

"I can decide what she needs," the man said. My ears perked up at the familiar voice, half of me glad that it wasn't Sam or Dean.

"Cas," I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Camryn, we need to leave. Now," said Castiel.

I breathed a sigh of annoyance.

"If I go, she comes too," I said, pointing my thumb at Rose, who was looking suspiciously at Castiel.

"Why should we go with you?" she asked suspiciously.

"You are in danger here," said Castiel, suddenly disappearing and reappearing in the backseat of the car. Rose changed gears from 'Parked' to 'Drive' and we drove away, quickly.

We drove for about twenty minutes in complete and utter silence. I leaned my head against the cool glass of the window and sighed.

"Why were we in danger? Nobody was on that road," said Rose, eyes locked on the road.

"Camryn is being tracked by demons," said Castiel in his usual monotone voice.

"Yes, I have been since I was six. Why do you suddenly care?" I sighed.

"Because," he simply replied.

"Because wh-" began Rose. I stopped her mid-sentence by putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Rose, just don't. That's all you're gonna get out of him," I said, looking at her with glossy eyes.

We had finally found a small town on the road, a small cluster of houses, a grocery store, a gas station, a couple of cheap motels, and a bar. We never found a sign to know the name of the town.

"Pull over here," Castiel said, pointing at one of the motels. Rose parked in from of the motel and Cas disappeared. I looked around, seeing that it didn't seem too dingy, I told Rose we should go in and get a room.

I stood, with a little help from Rose, of course, and we started to walk inside. As we got to the door, however, I turned to see a familiar black Impala pull into the parking lot. I stiffened, knowing Cas probably meant to lead me here.

We walked into the lobby and quickly got our room, under the alias, "Sisters, visiting a distant relative."

We finally got our key and walked down the hall, only to be greeted by two very familiar faces.

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