Oh, the perks of being with me

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I payed the pizza delivery girl the twenty bucks I owed her.

"Thanks," she said chomping her gum loudly. She was obviously a "popular girl" at her home, because her face was caked with makeup and her clothes were indecent.. I'm glad I didn't turn out like that. She turned to walk back to her car and I could smell the strong scent of her perfume. I shut the door and handed Sam the pizza box. There was a note taped to the top. It said: "Call me xoxo (000) 111-2222"

(A/N: I made up the phone number, if you couldn't tell;)

"Oh Sammy, looks like you have a secret admirer," I said, showing Sam the note. He grabbed it and chuckled, crumpling the girls note into a ball and tossing it into the trash can. I began to mock the girl, the cocky way she talked and the way she chewed her gum.

"Mister! Why didn't you call me?!" I whined in a girly voice, reaching over to Sam and throwing my arms over his shoulders. We both broke down into a fit of laughter. I fell to the floor, clutching my stomach and gasping like a fish out of water.

Sam reached over, still chuckling, and helped me to stand back up. He guided me to the small table and we each took a couple slices of pizza. The door swung open to reveal Dean, who had obviously been fighting some demons, and Castiel, who looked perfectly fine.

"Well, how are the two lovebirds?" said Dean smartly. Cas walked in and sat on the sofa, obviously unamused. Dean sauntered over to the table and grabbed about four slices of pizza, gobbling them down before he sat down on the sofa next to Cas.

Sam walked to the fridge, grabbing three beers tossing one to Dean and handing one to me.

"Oh no, I don't drink. I would like a water please," I murmured in embarrassment, pushing away the bottle. He shrugged and took the bottle, handing it to Cas, who denied it as well, and gave us both bottles of water instead.

"Your loss," called Dean, popping open his bottle and chugging the beer. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at Dean. He was such a boy.

All of the sudden, someone knocked at the door.

"Room service!" an older woman's voice called out.

"No thanks!" called Sam and Dean in unison. Weird.

"So", said Castiel, who was trying to break the awkward silence,"How is your younger sister, Camryn?"

My eyes widened.

"I don't have a sister anymore. How do you know about her?" I questioned angrily, very mad at the fact that Castiel was intruding on my past.

"I'm an angel.. remember?" he said in a "duh" tone.

"Well.. I wouldn't know how she is! She's dead!" I cried, venom lacing my voice as I sprung up with newfound strength.

'Who does he think he is to ask about her?!' I thought to myself.

The room had grown quiet, so quiet, in fact, that you could hear a pin drop.

"Oh," was all he said.

"Oh?! That's all you have to say?! Oh?! IF YOU KNOW EVERYTHING THEN HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT?! DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU HOW SHE DIED?!" I screamed, angry at everything.

Sam had sprung up from his chair and grabbed me by my shoulders, whispering soothing words into my ear, but they didn't calm me down.

"SHE WAS KILLED BY A MON-NSTER.. A M-MONSTER.. A-AN-And.. it wa-was.. It was m-my fau-fault.." I said, collapsing to the floor, my sudden burst of adrenaline gone. But before my body could hit the floor, Sam caught me and lifted me up, cradling me in his arms.

"Cas, I think you should go," said Dean. Castiel disappeared quickly, thank goodness. I couldn't stop crying and I could only imagine how terrible I looked now.

Sam carried me to one of the empty bed and set me down on the bed, covering me with blankets as if I was a small child.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know.." muttered Sam. My eyes suddenly began to droop. I reached up and touched Sam's cheek with my the palm hand.

"It wasn't your fault Sam. It was mine.." I yawned, closing my eyes.

I was asleep physically, but mentally I was wide awake, still alert of what was happening around me. I felt the bed dip next to me and a warm breath tickled my neck. I felt someone, most likely Sam, drape their arm around my waist and pull me into them.

I felt the person take a lock of my hair and twirl it around in their hand. I heard soft snores across the room, meaning this person was most definitely Sam. I heard this person, for now I was sure it was Sam, whisper to me, thinking I was completely asleep.

"Don't worry Cam, I won't let anything hurt you," he whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He dropped the lock of my hair he was holding and a few minutes later, I heard his soft snores.

I moved my head onto his chest and completely fell asleep, listening to the steady beat of his heart. What an eventful day this has been. I yelled at an angel and fell asleep in the arms of someone I hardly know. Oh, the perks of being with me.


Sorry for any spelling/grammar/punctuation errors in these chapters .. it's like midnight here lol . k I'll update tomorrow .


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