I won't ever leave you

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My head dropped, as did my heart. He didn't remember me, or the past month we had spent together.

"That's Rose and Camryn," Dean replied simply, "they're traveling around with us. Just a couple of friends."

"Oh," said Sam, still watching me. I averted my eyes, instead focusing on the floor. I heard him whisper something to Dean, making Dean chuckle. His eyes never left me. He was watching me like he was waiting for me to do something.

Rose walked over to Dean and whispered something to him.

"Would you excuse us?" Dean asked, stepping out of the office-area. Bobby sensed the awkward and muttered something, walking out the door.

"And then there were two," I mumbled.

"What was that?" Sam asked, smirking a bit.

"Oh nothing, it's just that you can feel the awkward in the air," I said, muttering the last part under my breath.

"How long was I-" began Sam.

"I don't know, I met Dean about a month ago, and Rose came to me about three days ago," I replied rudely, just upset with the fact he didn't remember anything.

"You look really familiar, like déjà vu familiar," he said, walking over to me to get a better look at my face. He smiled and I frowned sadly.

"What's wrong?" he asked me concernedly.

"You just remind me of someone I was in love with, but he had forgotten me and left me broken-hearted," I shrugged. I felt a small tear run down my cheek, but he quickly wiped it away.

"Don't cry," he smiled, "Pretty girls like you shouldn't cry."

I had to smile at that one. He suddenly froze, staring at something from behind me. I turned to see what he was looking at.

"Cas," I said, happy to see Castiel after such a long time.

"Hello Camryn. Hello Sam," he replied, nodding to Sam, "I see you have your soul back."

"What do you mean? Have my soul back?" Sam asked, his eyebrows knitting together frustratedly. Castiel went ahead and explained everything that had happened, down to every last detail.

Sam's hand laced with mine and he pulled me closer to him.

"I knew you looked familiar," he said, kissing the top of my head. I smiled and looked up at him, lightly pecking his lips.

Dean and Rose walked back in and Rose looked at me with a curious expression. I looked at her and smiled, showing everything was fine.

"Hello Dean, Rose," said Cas, nodding towards them. They said hello to Cas and exchanged suspicious glances to one another. I think they could tell something had happened by the way Sam stiffened when they walked in.

Sam tightened his grip on my hand and I started to lead him upstairs, away from all of this. We should just talk about it. Besides, Cas didn't mention anything about me; my past or my abilities. I walked upstairs and led him into our room. We walked in and I shut the door behind us, making sure it was locked.

"Why are we up here?" Sam asked.

"You heard about what happened, but you know nothing about me," I explained, telling Sam about my past, about, well, everything. I told him about my pregnancy, about my possession, about our month together.

By the time I was done, Sam was sitting on the bed, his head in his hands, staring off into space with a look of pure shock on his face. Somehow, talking about it helped me, and made me feel happier.

"I'm just.." I smiled, "I'm just glad you're alive." He stood and walked over to me, holding my face in his hands.

"You and me both," he said, pressing his lips to mine. I gasped at the sudden movement, but soon relaxed. He pulled away, smiling.

"I won't ever leave you, Cam. I promise," he said softly, placing his forehead against mine.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

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