World's Greatest Detective: Part 1

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Sharkboy's POV

"I came as soon as I heard," says Max when he rushes into the police station. 

"MAX!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I run towards him and crush him in a big hug. He starts to cry in his arms, while I pat him on the back. 

"It's ok Max, we'll find her. There is no way that we won't be able to," I say in a comforting tone.

"I'm not so sure about that Sharkboy, I mean, what do we even have to go on? Some broken glass and a cat? I mean, come on dude."

As much as I hate to say it, he's right. We know almost nothing about what happened last night. This morning I got a call from the police saying that a neighbor reported someone breaking into Lavagirl's home, and when they arrived there was no sign of her anywhere. The police suggested that she might have run off, and she would turn up in a few days, but I knew that something was fishy about it all(and I don't use that term lightly). 

"Max! Sharkboy!" someone yells behind us. We both turn to look and find Linus staring at us wide-eyed. 

"Linus," says Max with a scowl. 

"Max," Linus says looking at the floor, "Is it true? Is Lavagirl really missing?!"

"Why would you care?" Max says in a bitter tone.

"Goddammit, Max! She's my friend too!" he says obviously annoyed.

I mean, it's true. Even though the two haven't always seen eye to eye, the two became very close when Linus got engaged to Max. She even planned their wedding! Of course, she was Best Man and I was Maid of Honor. It was a beautiful ceremony. 

"Yeah, and now she's a friend that's missing," said Max.

"MAX! I know that! I came as soon as I heard!"

"All the way from London, damn. You really are such a caring person to leave your business trip to come all the way here. I know Ivanka must love how loving you are."

"OK! OK!" I shout while spreading the two apart from each other, "No need to start a fight! Remember when you two were just a loving couple? Can we go back to that, please?!"

Max looks as if he's about to insult Linus before the sound of coughing cuts him off before he has the chance. 

"Gentlemen, the detective working on your case will see you now," says an officer standing in front of an office.

Max huffed and stomped off into the room, quickly followed by a sad looking Linus. I quickly followed soon after. 

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