World's Greatest Detective: Part 2

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Max's POV

I sit down at one of three chairs laid out in front of a single desk, not taking the one in the middle because that would mean I would have to sit next to my arch nemesis/ex-husband Linus. I should've stayed away from that whore long ago. My parents were right, I AM too good for him! I thought that he loved me! Well, apparently not because he wanted Ivanka instead. I don't even bother looking at him once Sharkboy sits in between us and the door is closed.

I look at the desk in front of us and see that no one is even there. Wow, I guess even our detective gave up on this case. In the corner of my eye, I see a book with an...interesting cover. It looks really weird now that I'm stari-OH MY GOD ITS HENTAI.

Before I am able to barf, a bald man comes running into the room and bonks his head on the low hanging lamp as he tries to take a seat.

"Son of a MUFFIN MAN!" the idiot shouts in a pipsqueak voice before prompting falling back onto his chair. He looks briefly at us before going wide-eyed and shoving the hentai into a drawer. I stare at him and he gives me a look that says, 'you saw nothing'. I turn my head and see a very confused Sharkboy and a depressed Linus also staring.

"So um...are you like...going to tell us your name or...," says Sharkboy. The man gives him a confused look before a look of realization hits him.

"Ah yes! So sorry! So sorry! The name's Dadde. Fucme Dadde, and I guess I'm handling your missing girl case," he says with a worried expression.

"Why are you making that face?! CONFIDENCE IS KEY AND YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE NONE!" Sharkboy yells at Detective Dadde.

"Well, I hate to say this to you kid, but let's face it, this case you have here is unsolvable. Even by me, Detective Fucme Dadde, probably the world's greatest detective," he says with a soft expression.

"Guess the world has pretty low standards then...," I mumble under my breath, while Linus gives me a hard look. What?! 

"Well, gentlemen. You might as well leave because there is no way we are wasting our time on this girl. There are no clues, no notes, no witnesses, this girl has disappeared without a trace," says Fucme.

"Isn't there anything you can do?" Linus says which surprises me. He hasn't said a word since we sat in this office.

"Sorry buddy, she might as well be dead," Fucme says with a shrug.

I think that might've made Sharkboy a teensy bit angry, because the next thing I know Sharkboy bites Detective Dadde right in the ass. Ouch.

"SECURITY!!!" Fucme yells at the top his lungs before a bunch of police officers grab all of us and lead us to the jail cells. Son of a muffin man.

The officers shove us into a tiny cell at the back of the small police station prison and promptly go off to do god knows what. Great, this just perfect. 

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