How to Stealth 101

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Sharkboy's POV

Duh duh dun dun duh duh dun dun duh duh dun dun dunnnaa dunnnnaaa dudda duh duh duh dun dun dunna dunnnaaa duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Sharkboy!" whispers Max in an angry tone, snapping me out of my secret spy trance.

"Dude, what the hell? I was totally in the zone," I respond. 

"Well, your 'zone' is going to get us caught if you don't hurry your ass up and move!"

"Party pooper," I mumble quietly to myself. 

We continue crawling through the vent system until we find a small opening in the rafters. I punch my way through it and jump down into the room below.

"Don't come down here yet," I say to Max, who's peeking down from the hole I just made, "I want to check and make sure it's safe first."

"No problem," I hear Linus yell from behind Max. 

I nod up to them and look around the room. It's just a tiny storage room, and it doesn't look like there's much here. The boxes here have...interesting labels. 

Some of them make me question how Ivanka managed to get this kind of stuff, but I know she has her ways

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Some of them make me question how Ivanka managed to get this kind of stuff, but I know she has her ways...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH", I hear someone yell from behind me before a loud thud hits the floor. I turn around and see Max rubbing the back of his head in pain.

"Dude, what did I say?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I get it"

"The hell's going on down there?!" I hear Linus shout from the vents.

"Oh you know, Max just being a dumbass as usual."


"What? I'm just stating the obvious."

"Well, I don't know what's with your attitude, but you're pretty sassy right now Mr. Sassafrass."

I scowl. As if Max doesn't understand how freaking intense this mission is for me. We've done so much so far. I've crawled through a vent, I've looked at weird things written onto boxes, I've...ok so maybe he has a point but still! Lavagirl's right around the corner, I can feel it in my oddly obtained Shark puberty gills. 

"Just, just let me work, man," I sigh. 

"Whatever. I'm going to pull Linus down."

"Don't you mean 'gently lower Linus into the room below'?" says Linus from up above. 


After some great struggle and effort, we both manage to get Linus down without him screaming and head out into the halls. I don't know what it is about Trump Towers, but this place gave me the creeps from the getgo. We pass countless of photos of the Trump family, gold bars, and newscasters with way too much makeup, in search of some room that gives off surveillance vibes. Eventually, Linus manages to spot something. 

"Hey look!" he says while pointing at a door with the sign labeled, 'Ivanka Clothing Line Outlet".

"I don't know man, doesn't seem suspicious enough to hold info on where Lavagirl is", I say in response. 

"Maybe not, it's just, I remember her mentioning it when we first met. She said something about how her clothes are the main source of power for her dad's bitch tower."

"She said those exact words? Including the "bitch tower' section?" says Max suspiciously. 


"Huh, the more you know."

"Anyways, basically burning them emits enough gas to generate enough energy to power on the tower's lights, news station, Trump sex doll factory, and more. So, maybe there's a chance something important will be in there."

"Worth a shot", I respond, before promptly marching over to open the door.

Once we get inside, turns out what Linus said was...completely wrong. The outlet was just filled with tons of fake designer clothing and kind of sexy blouses. No power providing thing in sight.

"Hey, dude, this room may have been a bust, but at least Sharkboy can finally be able to PUT A FUCKING SHIRT ON!" yells Max.

"What? I have no reason to be ashamed of my body. I worked for years to get these abs."

"Sharkboy, stop. You're not Taylor Lautner."

"As if. Besides, I'm way hotter. Dude's past his prime."

"Says the guy with gills."

"That was insulting and Sharkist and you know it!" I say as I am about to start throwing punches. Max looks furious, and I can tell he's thinking the same thing before suddenly Linus gets between us and pushes us apart.

"HEY! Guys! I don't know what is with you two, but you guys haven't stopped bickering and arguing for almost this entire journey here. Maybe it's the macho testosterone or the fact that Sharkboy likes to breakdance in his sleep-"

"Hey, you know you love it!"

"Maybe I do? Maybe I don't? Or maybe I just want the two of you to just go back to getting along? Max, I get that you've been tense ever since our divorce, and Sharkboy, I understand that Lavagirl going missing has been tough on you, but you both need to just CHILL."

Linus's outburst shut both Max and I up pretty fast. This mission's been tough on all of us, and not just me. So, maybe it is time for all of us to just focus on the main storyline, and not all the sidequests surrounding it. 

"You're right Linus, I apologize," I say nodding off my head to him.

"Ditto", says Max. 

"Ok, so how about, we all just go outside, and keep looking?"

Max and I both nod, before all of us, go and spring back into the halls. 

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