The Reunion

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Sharkboy's POV

We continue to search until suddenly I hear a familiar voice shout-


"Sorry, I just thought that we had some time to get to know one another as you're kidnapping me," responds another, not so familiar one.

"Girl, you're the one who kidnapped me," says the first.

"Jesus, no one's pointing fingers here."

"God, at this rate I'm never going to get back home to cuddle with Mr. Oceanass."

Wait. Mr. Oceanass??? There's only one person I know with enough balls to name their cat that, and that person would be...LE GASP?! Je pense que je vais mourir. Je ne peux pas le croire. Cela est tellement bizarre. Je pense que mon bae pourrait être ici. L'enfer arrive. Pourquoi mes pensées sont-elles en français. C'est vraiment de la merde française aussi. Il semble que ce soit juste copié et collé de google translate. Ce n'est pas vraiment important en ce moment mais quand même. Hon hon hon. Baguette croissante eclair croissant. Oui oui, mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette. Ok, j'ai fini maintenant.

Oh, my lord, I think I'm going to spontaneously combust, cause I'm pretty sure that shout, is coming from a flaming hot magma lady named Lavagirl. Our Lavagirl. Well, not really ours. It's not like we own her, and to be completely honest she's the one who'd probably own the three of us. Ugh. I'm getting off track again.

"OMG!!!!!! LAVAGIRL???? IS THAT YOU OVER THERE??????" I scream extremely loud before I lose myself to rambly thoughts again.

There is a small moment of silence before a response comes,

"What the shit. Sharkboy is that you?!"


I glance over to Max and Linus to see excitement beginning to appear on their faces. Then, I hear the sound of a wheelbarrow rolling around the corner of the hall, and turn my head to see-

"OH MY SWEET SHARK DILDO! What the hell are you all doing here?!" yells an exhausted-looking Lavagirl while intensely staring at Max, Linus, and I.

"LAVAGIRL!" we all yell in unison. We all sprint towards her, and "attempt" to embrace her, before remembering that she's literally made of lava.

"Smooth," she says with a slight grin.

"Lavagirl! It's me Sharkboy! Your totally platonic friend!"

"Yeah, I figured that much," she responds while eying me and my hot bod. Or maybe she's just appreciating my male form. In a platonic way. No hetero bro. Who am I kidding? Gosh, how could someone like her ever be interested in someone like me? This is totally not a cliche straight kinda romance.

"I've missed you so much!" I say with the biggest smile on my face.

"The feeling is semi-mutual. I haven't really had much time to think about people other than myself while escaping," she says while shrugging.

"I can't believe you're here! In Trump Tower of all places!" says Linus with an exasperated look.

"Dude, we literally got this location confirmed by Jesus," sassily replies Max.

"Whatever, but still! We've been trying to reach you for ages! Do you have any idea what we've had to go through?" says Linus.

"Trust me, it was all pretty badass," I say smoothly.

"Define 'badass' Sharkboy," Max responds.

"Just shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I say while pressing a finger to his lips, "just let the moment sink in for a second before you go all sassy on me."

"It's good to see you too Ivanka," says an annoyed looking Ivanka Trump, who's currently handcuffed in a wheelbarrow next to all four of us. Uh oh. Something tells me that there's some drama that's about to go down

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