Impromptu Couple's Therapy: Part 1

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Sharkboy's POV

As we are soaring in the mighty skies of some random place, I find myself staring at both Max and Linus. The two are both sitting on opposite sides of Beyonce and staring down below, while occasionally taking a glance at one another while the other isn't looking. Jesus Christ(sorry Jesus), these two have more sexual tension than Putin and Trump! This entire journey has been nothing but insults and eye sex for the several days(maybe months I sorta lost track) we've been on this trip. I can't take it anymore, I'm going to have to do something about it!

"That is it! You two are driving me insane, so you have no choice but for me to force you two to talk to each other!"

"Sharkboy did you get into the Pixy Stix again?" says Max sarcastically. 

"No! You see Max?! This is your problem! You used to be the most positive person I knew, and now you have more sass than Lavagirl did in her emo phase! I understand that divorcing someone can be tough, but did you ever even think that maybe talking to Linus could help solve your problems? Huh?! Tell me, Max, please tell me," I yell with the passion and fire of a spicy taco. 

"Guys, please stop fighting," says Linus, who looks as if he fears for his life. 

"Shut up Linus, no one cares," Max responds.

That is when I lose it. I scream and pull out my triple axle double kill water gun and point it directly at Max's head. 

"What the shit Sharkboy are you insane?" says Max.

"You bet your ass I am! Now, you two are going to talk whether you like it or not,"

"Fine," Max says reluctantly.

"Cool beans," says Linus. 

The two of them sit in the center of Beyonce's back, and I cozy up in the portable bean bag I always bring with me.

"Are you even qualified to do this?" asks Max while taking a seat. 

"Well, I did major in Liberal Arts, but I also have a minor in Psychology so...kinda! Now, Linus, do you mind telling me where this all began?"

"Would I? Seriously, would I?" he responds.

"If you don't I'm pushing you off this Gaydon."

"Well, it all began back when I stole Max's dream journal...."

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