Arguments and Mysterious Talking Trees

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*credit to my wonderful group chat with my friends for this beautiful message*

Sharkboy's POV

"Ok. So I MAY have overdone the escape just a TINY bit," I say with a shrug.

"You torpedoed off a ramp along the highway on a stolen motorcycle into the woods with a divorced couple after ripping the jail bars off with your teeth and drowning the guards with your triple axle double kill water gun, Sharkboy. I call that overdoing it."

I roll my eyes at Max, overdoing it, Sharkboy never overdoes anything! Except maybe my entire life, oh, now I see it. 

"If I may," Linus interrupts, "I am going to have to side with Max here because I was about ready to crap my pants the entire time."

"Shut up Linus," says Max coldly. 


I sigh and rub my fingers against my temple, these two are going to be the death of me I swear! There is so much sexual tension in the air that I can smell it, and it's not just the smell of burning motorcycle. Getting these two back together is going to be so much work, and it'll take forever. Yet, in my heart, I know that they still love each other.

"Ok, so how are we going to get out of this? We lost our ride, we have no idea where we are, and I don't have a shirt," I say.

"I think I can offer you an answer," says a mysterious voice coming from the trees. 

"What the shit," Max says as he jumps up. 

"Oh my god the trees can talk," says Linus, before promptly being smacked on the head by Max.

"No you idiot, someone's up there!"

"Who goes there?!" I yell to the trees. 

"You may have heard of me before," a figure wearing a cape jumps down from the trees, "I am known by many as a...hero."

"Who-who are you?" I say in a very scared tone. I rarely am frightened of anything, but something about this person intimidated me. 

"My name is...", the figure removes its hood to reveal, "Shrek. Now, what are ya doing in my swamp?"

Oh. My. Fucking. God. 

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