The Escape

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Sharkboy's POV

"Great, we got a hentai-loving nutcase to 'help' us find Lavagirl, and we're locked in a jail cell," Max says while crossing his arms.

"Not for much longer!" I say while pulling out my triple axle double kill water gun. 

"What the fuck Sharkboy, we told you to stop carrying that around!" says Max with his hands up.

"Do not worry my lover friends, I am not going to harm either of you, not like last time...all I know is that Lavagirl is out there, and I must save her! No one is going to stop me!"

"Ok dude, like chill for a second," says Max, " I mean, how are we going to get out of here in the first place?"

"Watch and learn chicos," I say with a suave smile, "Linus! Do something annoying!"

"At your service sir," he says with a one handed salute. He proceeded to then start singing "Barbie Girl", the smash hit that everyone else loves but I hate so much.

I get so heated that I lash out my shark teeth and ripped the jail bars right off the cell.

"Woah, I forgot you could do that," says Max. I smile at him and then start to load my triple axle double kill water gun. It. Is. On.

"CHARGE!!!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. We all start screaming and run at full speed to the exit of the police station. 

"Wait what?!," says Detective Fucme Dadde, "Guards! After them!"

The guards leap in front of us, but are no match for my triple axle double kill water gun. They drown almost instantly. We sprint out the doors of the station and into the parking lot.

"Look over there!" says Linus pointing at a huge motorcycle. We all hop onto it, me at the front, Max in the middle, and Linus on the back. Somehow in all the chaos back in the station, I lost my shirt, exposing my killer abs. I look like a badass, no, I AM a badass. I hotwire the car just as more officers come to take us down in the parking lot, and the engine roars to life. 

"Hold onto your titties," I say.

"But we don't hav-," Linus starts to say but is cut off by me speeding out of the parking lot. 

I race the motorcycle onto the highway at 5,000 miles per hour, the police not far behind. I toss my triple axle double kill water gun back to Max, and he starts to drown officers left and right. Meanwhile, Linus is just cowering behind Max. A huge explosion suddenly cuts me off from the highway exit, so now I have to jump to escape them. It's the only way. 

"GET READY!" I shout, preparing to do the most epic motorcycle jump in motorcycle history. 

From there, everything just starts moving in slow motion, as I make a super mega ultra extreme hyper powered epic quadruple extra combo jump off a conveniently placed ramp along the highway barriers, into the woods below. No one can stop us now. 

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