Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

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Today is my first day at my new school. It's a small private school that I got into by a lucky miracle.

I was bullied constantly at my old school by all the girls. The guys never bothered me but never stopped it either. The girls made sure I knew that I wasn't pretty or smart or important. Made me feel pretty useless. I suppose I am.

My brother Metias found out about my bullies one day right before summer started. I've always trusted him. He's the only one I've ever trusted. I don't remember my parents. They died in a car crash when I was still really young.

Metias walked into my room when Stephanie had just told me I'd be better off dead. I always tried to stay strong after her attacks but this one got to me.

Metias comforted me and worked really hard to get promoted so that he'd be able to afford to send me to private school. That had happened right before school got out and by the end of summer I was able to enroll at a prestigious school.

Well. It's prestigious because I got a lowered rate for my amazing grades. Other kids just end up there because their parents are loaded.

My parents were rich. After they died most of their money went in a bank account and Metias and I became members of the middle class.

Today marks the start of my junior year. Metias made me some pancakes before he had to leave. I eat them all and walk up to my room. We live in LA so our house is not very big. It's got three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Then there's a living room, kitchen, laundry room, and a balcony overlooking the city. It's nice.

I throw on my new school uniform. I'm glad there is a uniform because otherwise I would stand out. I'm not very confident in myself so I wear pretty casual clothing.

I put on some shoes and grab my backpack before going out to the nearest bus stop. There's no school bus since it's a small school (and since the students are all rich) but Metias gave me a bus ticket and there's a stop that's about a block from the school. I sit down awkwardly on the bus.

"Well that's ironic." The girl next to me says. I have no idea who she is but she's looking at me. "A prep school snob taking the bus. Did your limo break down?" I ignore her. But then something weird happens. The girl whispers "Next time wear other clothes and change in the school locker rooms. Everyone does it. At least that's what my friend Kaede tells me."

"Oh." I say. "You go there?"

"Yeah. Well today's my first day. I'm a freshman. My name's Tess." I nod.

"I'm June." I say awkwardly. "And the reason I'm taking the bus is not because my limo broke down so you know." She laughs.

I smile a little. Maybe I'll be able to make a few friends. Even if they're freshmen. Doesn't really matter to me.

"Did you just move here?" Tess asks.

"No. I went to public school before this." I say. We both get off at the stop and Tess tells me where the office is. I begged Metias not to do it but he told the school to have someone show me around.

I walk into the office and give the lady behind the desk a shy smile. She motions for me to sit down as she finishes her phone conversation.

"You're brother said you needed someone to show you around." She says walking toward me. A boy my age walks into the office and hands her a slip of paper. She rolls her eyes.

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