Chapter 11: You Did What???

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I said yes. I can't believe I'd be stupid enough to say yes.

The captain of the football team asked me out. How was I supposed to say no? I mean he's nice and I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Day will get it, right? He knows I don't like this guy. Why would he know that? I like him but he doesn't know. He probably doesn't like me. Even though he invites me over all the time and smiles whenever I enter the room. That's a normal best friend thing, right?

"Hey June," Day says walking up to me in the hall. It's lunch time on Friday. I have my date tonight and still haven't found a way to tell Day.


"You doing anything tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah, actually Zac asked me out."

"And you said yes?" Day asks. He sounds, what's the word I'm looking for, jealous?

"Yeah. I don't like him like that but he's so nice. I felt bad."

"Okay." Day says loosening up a little. Does he like me? "June you shouldn't go out with someone you don't like. It's not nice. You're making this guy think you like him."

"I guess when you put it like that. But he probably already has plans for tonight. I'll just go once."

"He's not nice to people unless he wants something from them." Day mumbles.

"I'm sure that's not true." I whisper back as we sit down at our usual table with Kaede, Tess, Eden and one of Eden's friends we don't really know.

Zac walks up to our table and sits next to me moments later.

"Hey June." He says.

"Hi Zac." I say.

"Can I meet you at your house at six?"

"Uh, sure." June says. "I'll text you my address."

"Okay cool. Will your parents be there?"

"Uh," Day takes my hand under the table. "No, just my older brother Metias." Zac nods and walks away.

"Thanks Day." I say dropping his hand.

He nods. "Did you not notice how he didn't say hi to anyone else at this table? He wants something from you June."

"Thanks for trying to look out for me Day, really. I can handle myself though." I say.

"Okay. I just don't like the way he looks at you. Almost as if you're his prey. It's disturbing." I laugh, but not wholeheartedly. What if Day is right?


The doorbell rings at ten after six. Metias answers it and I hear them talking downstairs shortly after.

I grab a purse and make my way to the kitchen where they stand.

"Hi Zac." I say.

Paperclips and Final Exams (Legend High AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ