Chapter 7: Awkward...

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It's gym class right now. Tess and I just got paired off for teams in running. It was weird the teacher made us line up in height order and whoever closest to your height (of your gender) was your partner.

We decide to just jog around the track two or three times. After stretching we start off jogging.

"So." Tess says. "I'm really awkward."

I laugh. "I hadn't noticed."

"Why thank you." She says.

"Twenty questions?" Tess asks.

"Sure. You first."

"Why did you move here?"

"It's. Really personal. I haven't even told Day." I haven't even told Day. We became best friends so quickly but I don't really want him knowing that yet.

"If you promise to tell me I'll share something with you. Something guaranteed to be personal."


"Come on. It'll feel good to get it off your chest."

"Fine." I say. "I was viciously bullied. I felt literally worthless. I don't know what it was but something changed when moving here. I don't know if it was Day or the school or just being away from my bullies but my confidence increased almost immediately. I would never go back there and if I lost my scholarship I don't know what I'd do."

"Wow. I'm sorry that happened to you." I shrug as we continue to run.

"Your turn."

"Mine doesn't seem as personal now that you've said yours but I'll tell it. My parents are constantly fighting. Like every night. I've wanted to run away so many times but never got the courage. I have you guys as well. I mean I can't leave you."

"That's personal Tess. I'm sorry this happens to you."

"Oh it's okay. Not your fault." We both stay silent for a few minutes.

"So." I say. "Onto a happier topic. Do you think I should have my brother meet Day formally or is that weird? I mean we aren't dating but he's like my best friend. And he's a guy so I want my brother to know him."

"You totally should." Tess says.

"You sure? Won't give Metias the wrong idea?"

"Who cares if it does?" Tess says. "You like Day right?"

"I care." I say with my face reddening. "And I don't know, maybe?"

"Definitely." Tess smirks at me.

We finish our two laps and sit down on the bench for a break.

Day is sitting on the bench when we get there.

"Hey." I say slightly breathless, and it may or may not be because Day is not currently wearing a shirt.

"Daniel!" Our PE teacher yells. "Put a shirt on. One of these days I will dress code you."

"Yeah yeah." He mumbles pulling his tee shirt back over his head. "Hey June."

"Hey. So do you think you'd like to meet my brother today? I mean if you want to."

"Yeah. Of course." I glance at his lips before quickly looking away and turning to face Tess. She's already deep in conversation with Eden.

"Something wrong June?" Day asks.

"What? Nothing. I'm tired." I say leaning my head on his shoulder. He laughs.

"Want to skip our last class and go to my place?"

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