Chapter 26: Dairy Queen

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I walk the final step over the stairs. The doctors are training my knee again. It was a successful surgery and two weeks later here I am in physical therapy.

I have crutches for now. June promised me ice cream after this. I haven't seen her for a week.

The doctor walks us back into the hospital room so we can talk about my knee.

"It's recovering well." He says. "You still shouldn't drive for another week and don't drive stick until we okay it."

"Got it." I say. "My girlfriend is picking me up."

"Good." He says. "You're free to go"

I walk outside and find June in her car.

"Hey." She says smiling as I sit down next to her. "Ready?"

"Yep. Let's go to Dairy Queen."

"Excuse you. When I promised ice cream I didn't mean work free. We are making homemade ice cream. I already bought the ingredients."

"Fine. If we have to." I say. June rolls her eyes as she turns onto her road.

"I don't know why you're so opposed to this. It's not hard." June says parking the car. "Metis offered to help us." She adds enthusiastically.

"Of course he did." I say.

"What's the problem?" She asks as she gets out of the car.

"He only wants to keep us from kissing or even holding hands." I say closing my door.

"Oh relax. He's got a boyfriend now. He's a little more laid back about it." We walk up to her house.

"Sure." I say laughing. Metias lets the two of us in.

"Hey guys. Ready to make ice cream?" He asks.

"I suppose." I say. We all sit down at the kitchen table and try to decipher the cryptic directions on the back of the box. What font is this?

"I give up. I think Dairy Queen." Metias says.

"That's what I've been saying." I high five him.

"We can't give up yet." June says. "We are so close."

"We are not." I say. "We haven't even read the instructions."

"Oh whatever. So negative." Metias laughs.

"You guys are weirdos." He says.

"I know." We say at the same time.

"Creepy." Metias mumbles. "Anyways, I'm going to Dairy Queen. You losers joining?"

"Sure." I say. June nods. We walk out to Metias' car and jump in the back seat together. June grabs my crutches.

We get to Dairy Queen and June and I find a table while Metias orders our ice cream.

"So what's up?" June asks.

"Nothing much." I say laughing. My phone dings.

I glance down at it.

I'm dating Tess

Wow. I can't believe it. I never thought.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! Sorry it's so short.


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