Chapter 19: Expulsion

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I can't believe it. After everything. I made perfect grades. I am not depressed anymore. I even got a boyfriend. And now I have to go back. To that prison they call school.

They cut the scholarship program. I have to go back to LA public. Back to my bullies. I didn't have hardly any friends. One real one. Her name was Madison.

I get a call from Day.

"June. Good news! I got myself expelled!"

"Day that's not good news." I say.

"It is to me. Your school just so happens to be the highest rated public school in LA and I just so happen to have rich parents willing to pay the out of district fee."

"Day that was stupid of you. I don't want you doing something like that because of me."

"Sorry darling but this was my choice. I never liked that school anyways."

"I did." I say. Day transitions us to a FaceTime.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot how many bad memories you must have had there."

"It's okay Day. I just wish they hadn't cut the program."

"We can pay your fee." He suggests.

"You know my brother wouldn't let you."

"I know." He says. "Want to go shopping with me for public school clothes? I've never been able to wear what I want to school." He seems excited but all I can think about is Stephanie. She was the worst of them all. She tried to drown me once. During swim for PE class.

"June?" Day asks. "Are you crying? I'm coming over."

"Day I'm fine." I lie.

"Nope. Not true. I'll be there once I put pants on." I laugh.

"Day, why aren't you wearing pants?"

"It's hot in my room right now. Our air conditioning is out." I roll my eyes.

"That's not the point." He says. "Bye sweetheart." I love him. Wait no. Do I?

He hangs up and I change out of my pajamas. I wonder what Day did to get expelled. I hope nothing illegal.

The doorbell rings. I go and open it to see Day. He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead.

After I pull away he hands me a box of saltines.

"I don't know why you like these so much but it doesn't matter. I'll always be here to eat them with you." I laugh. The tears on my face have dried.

"Want to go shopping now?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says. He pulls me into his arms and picks me up.

"Strong." I comment.

"In more ways than one." He says winking.

"What does that even mean?" I ask loudly. "You're obviously not strong mentally."

"Well that hurt. See if I carry you again."

"I was kidding Day." I say. He kisses the tip of my nose and sets me in his passenger seat.

"I know." He says. He runs to the other side of the car and hops in. We drive to the nice mall.

"Day this place is expensive."

"I'll buy your stuff."

"No. I can't let you do that."

"Think of it as a gift." He says.

"We can go in but I won't buy anything."

"You're correct. But you will get clothes if you like them. Unless they're over five thousand. Then don't. Everything under that have at it."


I ended up letting Day buy me a dress shirt and a sundress. It was a total of forty dollars.

"June you didn't have to shop the sales." He says as we walk into my house again.

"I wasn't about to get ripped off. I don't care who's paying."

"Whatever." He says. "Well we have school tomorrow. I can't believe it. I won't have to wear a uniform."

"You're gonna get called a preppy snob." I say. "Don't dress up. Wear jeans and a tee shirt. You'll be okay if you do that. I won't be too hurt if you don't hang out with me either. I have a bad rep there."

"You honestly think I care about that?"

"I suppose not." I say. "But it's worse than you think."

I press our lips together shortly before Day leaves. I love him.


We walk into the school building hand in hand. Metias is with us to finalize some papers officially putting me back in here. I can't believe it.

I have to see them again. Day and I go into the main office.

We both get a copy of our schedules quickly. We have two classes together. Big schools mean less chance of being in the same classes.

"You'll be okay June." Day says squeezing my hand.

"Don't lie Day." I say coldly. "I'll see you at lunch."

"Yeah." He says. We part ways and I make it to my first hour.

"Class we have a new kid today. Her name is June." My teacher says as a random kid lets me into the classroom.

Stephanie glares daggers at me. Nice to see you too.

"Please sit there." He teacher says pointing to a chair next to one of Stephanie's friends.

I sit through the first three classes without any confrontation but on my way to my locker I'm slammed against it.

"Haven't seen you in a while Iparis." Stephanie says. Her words bring me back to the time when I didn't have any confidence. The time I didn't stand up for myself.

"And I haven't had the displeasure of smelling your breath in a while Stephanie." I say pushing her away.

"Didn't think you'd have the guts to come back, what, with the way it ended."

"Oh yeah. You tried to tell me to kill myself. Well I guess that didn't work in your favor."

"I guess not. You look different than when you left. Stay out of my way." She growls.

"I'd gladly stay twenty feet out of your way." I say turning around and opening my locker.

Day walks up to us. "Something wrong?" He whispers.

"Hey newbie." Stephanie says flirtatiously. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Hello." Day says annoyed.

"Why are you talking to this girl? She's kind of famous around here for being an ugly lesbian girl."

"That's the best insult you could come up with? Sad." Day says. "As for ugly I've never seen a girl more beautiful than her, and that definitely includes you." I close my locker and am about to leave for art. I don't need to bring anything for this class.

"And the lesbian part?" Day grabs me by the waist and presses his lips to mine. I pull back quickly but tightly hug him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Whatever. You could've just said you were taken." Stephanie mumbles walking away.

I fight the urge to tell Day I love him. I have started to believe the thought that I love him isn't just a thought but a fact. And I'm okay with that.

A/N: Hey Guys! Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!!!


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