Chapter 23: Illness

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I'm sick. I am staying home from school today and I'm already bored.

I text Day. He's always on his phone in class anyways. Besides. There's no learning going on.


I walk around the house trying to wake up a bit more.

Hey sweetheart

My heart flutters a bit. I don't know when he started having this control over my emotions. We haven't even known each other all that long.

Today is the last day before Christmas break. It's just a fun day. Yesterday was the last day of finals and thank goodness I wasn't sick then.

How's school

Boring without you. If you were here I'd be trying to convince you to skip class with me though

Don't skip class Day


I walk into the kitchen and grab a box of oyster crackers.


It's lunchtime. Too bad I already ate the oyster crackers because I'm craving soup.

The doorbell rings as I walk into the kitchen in my fuzzy pajamas. I really don't want to answer the door like this.

I check the little peephole just to make sure it's not Metias. It's Day. I open the door for him.

"I thought I told you not to skip school." I say.

"Technically Corinna called me off." He defends himself. "But I brought you some of her chicken noodle soup."

"Thank you." I say. "But I need oyster crackers."

"I'll go down the street to the store." He says.

"You don't have to." I don't want him wasting a trip for oyster crackers.

"It's fine June." He smiles and kisses my forehead lightly. He starts to walk out the door.

"Day!" I call out. He turns around. "If you're going out, can you go to Ralph's? They have the best ones."

He rolls his eyes.

"Yeah." He says.

"Thank you." I say.



Day comes back five minutes later with oyster crackers and we lay on the couch together eating the soup. Even though it's like 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure." He says. "What one?"

"I don't know. Maybe a Christmas movie?"

"Frosty the snowman?" He asks jokingly.

"Sure." I say.

We watch the whole movie and wrap ourselves into a large blanket together. I end up falling asleep in his arms for most of it.

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