Chapter 27: Ziplining

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Tess (earlier the same day as the last chapter)

Today is the day. It's my first date with someone new. I'm done with Eden, maybe done with all men.

I text my date, letting her know she can pick me up in about ten minutes. We're going zip lining.

I get dressed in some black skinny jeans and a short sleeved grey shirt. I grab my bug spray and spray it all over my arms. I make sure to grab my purse and some cash for the zip lining ticket and lunch afterwards.

I walk outside to her car. She rolls down the window.

"Hey Tess. Jump in." She says.

"Thanks Kaede." I open the door and sit in the passenger seat of her car.

"So have you ever been zip lining?" I ask.

"A few times, you?" She says as she takes a left turn onto a gravel road. She lets go of the steering wheel and lets it spin back to straighten out.

"Be careful." I say. "But no, I have never been zip lining."

"That's so cool. Are you nervous?"

"A little." I say.

"Zip lining is a ton of fun." She says.


We get to the zip lining place about twenty minutes later. Kaede takes me by the hand and we walk to the check in place together.

"So we need to explain the rules to the two of you and then we can get going. Everyone else is already here."

We nod and walk over to the harnesses. They explain the rules and we both adjust our harnesses.

"Lets go." The male tour guide says. The girl nods.

We follow the tour guides to the first zip line.

"So basically," the guy says. "We'll stop you at the bottom. You just have to listen to what we say."

He explains a little more before adjusting himself to the line and zipping to the end.

"Who's going to go first?" The girl asks.

One of the younger girls stands up and walks over to her. She gets adjusted and screams as she quickly goes along the line.

"I'm kind of nervous now." I whisper to Kaede. She nods.

"Hey," She says taking my chin in her hand. "It'll be fine. I'll go first." I nod.

She squeezes my hand before dropping it and walking up to take her turn. I watch in admiration as she jumps off without fear.

I wait for everyone to go before slowly walking up to the platform. This is terrifying.

"You'll be fine." The guide says. I nod in thanks before shakily jumping off.

My heart is beating crazy fast as I start to get used to the feeling of being suspended in air.

I unwillingly end up turning backwards and I see the guide back on that platform.

I slow to a stop and awkwardly land on the platform. I take a second to regain my balance before getting unclipped from the line by the other guide.

I walk over to Kaede. As everyone walks to the next line she grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

I smile at her.

She puts her lips to mine for a brief moment.

"Will you be my girlfriend Tess?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say.

A/N: Whoops I haven't updated this in forever. I need help from someone (email me at the email in my bio or private message me)  for an idea for a new chapter if you want me to continue to write in this book. Otherwise check out my other legend fanfics. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment!


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