Chapter 17: Learning to Drive

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Day and I decided to stay at his house until John came in from the pool to shower.

I am laying in his arms on the couch watching Netflix when we hear a loud scream.

John comes running down the stairs in sweatpants.

"Daniel Altan Wing. I know this was you!"

Day picks me up bridal style and runs into the other room. It seems weird that we are already doing stuff like this but not when you consider we were best friends before we started dating.

"Daniel get in here!" He screams. I stand up and pull Day to his feet before we walk in to see the damage we've done.

We both burst out laughing seeing John's bright pink hair. He looks really depressed which is what makes me stop laughing.

"What's wrong John?" I ask.

"My plans for the day have just been ruined." He says.


"I was going to propose to Ally today. Guess not."

"I'm sorry John." I say. "I had no idea. Don't worry it's only semipermanent. It'll wash out but it'll take a while."

"June I know this wasn't your fault. Just because you're dating my little brother doesn't mean you have to take the blame for him." I blush. It's almost become an instinct to protect him from getting in trouble.

I lean over and whisper in Day's ear. "Don't be a jerk. Apologize." I kiss his cheek lightly before pulling away.

"Sorry John. Is there anything I can do? I'll pay for some blonde hair dye." Day says.

"You'd better." Day clenches his fists. John storms out of the room pink and angry.

"Hey June," Day turns to me. "You ever driven a stick shift?" He asks.

"No." I say.

"Can I teach you?"

"Sure." We walk outside and I get into the driver's seat of his car.

Day hands me the keys and gives me like ten minutes of instructions on what to do. I nod through them and start the car.

I drive around his driveway and stop.

"Okay, now start again." Day says.

I do and the car instantly shuts itself off. Ugh. What did I do this time?

"June, you have to put it in gear."

"Ugh. This is so complicated. Why do I need to know how to do this?"

"Because it's my car and you're my girlfriend. You should know how to drive my car." I smile at the word girlfriend. It rolls off his tongue so easily but it means so much to me.

"Fine." I say. "But just so you know if we ever break up I will bring this conversation up."

"Then I'll just have to make sure you never get the chance to do that." Day says squeezing my hand briefly. "Now drive."


We walk back into Day's house after an hour of driving and a not-so-brief heated make out session in his car.

Mrs. Wing is sitting at the counter sipping some sweet tea.

"Hey Daniel, June." She says sweetly. His parents are so bipolar. One minute they act like Day is their business partner and the next he's their son.

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