Chapter 2: My Brother

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We finally get to my house after what seems like hours. I mean it's not that the car ride was awkward but we didn't talk a lot.

June seems nice. I mean, quiet, but nice.

We walk through the front door and my parents are shockingly home. June awkwardly walks behind me. I don't blame her. She probably feels out of place here. Like I do.

"Want to swim June?" I ask.

John walks into the room with his girlfriend Ally. She's nice. Not a rich snob like I'd consider my family to be.

"Hey Ally. John."

"Hello Daniel." John says. "Who's this?"

"June. She's new." I say.

"You brought another girl home?" John asks sarcastically.

"He's kidding." I say to June.

"Sure he is." June says smirking. "Whatever, I'm not judging." She walks out the door to the patio.

John and Ally burst out laughing and I groan.

"Stop. It's not funny."

"She's the only girl you've brought here besides Kaede." John says.

"You'd think a boy constantly doing bad things to get his parents to notice might bring more girls home." Ally says. I roll my eyes. "I'll come outside and tell her John was lying."

I walk outside and Ally follows me.

"Hey June. That thing John said wasn't true. Just so you know. The only time he brought a girl here she was a lesbian."

"Kaede is not lesbian." I say.

"Yes she is." Ally says before closing the door.

June laughs lightly.

"Sorry June. This is probably really awkward. You want to swim though?" She nods.

"I'll go get changed." I run inside and put it on and grab a few towels before running back out.

We jump into the pool and play basketball for a while.

"So why did you change schools?" I ask.

"I didn't like public school." She says coldly. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Sometimes I wish I could go to public school."

"The grass is always greener on the other side." She whispers.

"You don't think it's actually better here?" I ask. "Not a single cute guy?" She laughs.

"Nope. None that've caught my eye." She's trying to joke but it sounded really forced.

June throws the basketball into he hoop, well tries. It ends up bouncing back and hitting me in the head.

"Ow!" I say when she looks back.

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