Chapter 6: Confusion

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Two months later

June. June. June.

I don't know how I feel about her. I mean she's my best friend. Do I like her? Maybe.

I shake the thought from my head and grab my bag. Eden walks with me to my car.

"Eden. Did you ever think of Tess as just your friend or was it a love at first sight sort of thing?" I ask as I begin to back out of the driveway.

"Daniel. I met her when I was five."

"My question remains the same." I say.

"I guess I never really realized I was falling for her at the time. And then one day I thought about spending the rest of my life with her. And how that would be amazing."

"That was deep for a freshman." I say laughing.

"Whatever." Eden says. "I was just answering your question."

"Sorry bro. But you're only 14."

"Whatever." He says.

"Okay." I look out into the parking lot and see June and Tess getting off their bus. "There's your girlfriend."

"And there's yours."

"June is not-" Eden is already out of the car and the door slams cutting me off.

I get out and follow Eden over to Tess and June. I walk up to June. She seems to be in conversation with Kaede but Kaede immediately stops talking when I get there. June looks somewhat flustered by whatever it is Kaede said.

"Hey June. Kaede."

"Hey." June mumbles looking at me awkwardly with a red face. Kaede laughs before walking away.

"So how was your trip?" June asks.

"Boring. I wish you could've come with."

"You know my brother-"

"Actually I don't know your brother June. I've hardly even met him. I saw him once."

"Well he wouldn't have let me. I would've loved to come. Where did you go again?"

"My parents took us to San Francisco."

"How was it then?" I ask.

"Boring. Tess and Eden were there and John and Ally were there. I didn't have any friends that could come so I was just awkwardly hanging with my parents. And you know how I feel about them." She rolls her eyes with a nod and we walk into the school.

After dropping some stuff in our lockers we walk to first period. I catch myself staring at June many times throughout the day and mentally slap myself for it each time.

We drive to the park after school. June, Tess, Kaede, Eden and I.

June convinces me to go on the swings with her but honestly it didn't take much on her part.

Eden and Tess are kissing each other awkwardly every time they think no one is looking. It's getting really annoying.

Kaede wanted to go on a run on the trails. June jumps off the swing and she looks beautifully graceful before she lands on a tree root and trips. I jump off landing on my feet and take her hand to help her up.

"You okay?" I ask. She laughs jumping up.

"I'm fine Day. Stop worrying about everything." She says.

"That's the thing June. I don't worry about everything. I worry about you."

"Day, what are you trying to say?"

"I. Nothing." I walk away toward Tess and Eden on the merry-go-round. June runs after me.

"Day you can't just leave me hanging like that. It's really annoying." I laugh.

We sit by Tess and Eden somewhat awkwardly. I hear a scream and immediately stand up.

"Was that Kaede?" I ask. We all run toward the scream and find Kaede with her leg bent in an unnatural way.

Eden calls an ambulance because traffic is bad right now and Kaede seems to be in a lot of pain. They say they'll be here soon but we need to get to the main gate of the park.

I pick Kaede up and June helps by steadying her leg. We all walk quickly down to the car and drive to the front gate.

"Kaede what happened?" June asks.

"I fell and tripped over something and then ended up tripping on like three more things."

After about ten minutes an ambulance gets to the main gate. June picks Kaede up and sets her on the hospital bed thing. We let Tess go with her since her and Tess are probably the closest.

I drive us to the hospital and end up holding June's hand after noticing a stray tear on her face.

We get to the hospital and I awkwardly drop her hand despite how nice it feels to have it in mine. We all run inside the emergency entrance and sit in the waiting room.

June and I sit on one of those little couch things and Eden is across from us. Tess bursts in a minute later.

"She's fine. They set her leg and now they're gonna do a scan to see how long she'll need a cast and what kind it'll have to be. They don't want us in there though. I called her parents and they should be here soon."

June and I let out simultaneous sighs of relief. Eden stands up and embraces Tess.

We all drive back to my place and sit out on the patio playing truth or dare.

"Day." June says after completing her dare of eating some grass.

"Dare." She smirks.

"Jump in the pool. Right now. Fully clothed. You can take your phone out of your pocket of course."

Without hesitation I run and jump into the deep end of the pool. I get out quickly because the water is sort of cold. Also it's windy.

June is laughing and Tess and Eden are rolling their eyes. I walk over to her and wring my shirt out over her head. She squeals.

"Day! Don't do that!" She stands up and turns to face me. I wrap her in my arms which I'm hoping isn't as awkward as I think it is but she quickly pushes me off her.

"Don't get me all wet. Don't say you just wanted a hug either you weirdo."

"Sorry June." I say hanging my head.

We all run around for a few more hours just enjoying each other's company.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this crappy chapter because it took forever to write. Vote and comment any ideas or thoughts.


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