Chapter 21: Good Directions

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I walk into the school building on Monday. Today is the last day before thanksgiving break.

I can't believe I'm back here. I thought I'd be stuck in that terrible place the rest of high school.

Tess runs up to me as I enter my first hour and embraces me in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're back." She says. "I really missed you."

"I missed you too Tess." I say.

We sit down in our usual seats. Day is late again. This time he has a pass.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

"There could be something wrong with my little sister." He says. "My Mom has an appointment today. I'm worried. She is too young to be born normally."

"Mr. Wing please stop talking." Our teacher says. "You were already late."

I take his hand to try to keep him from doing anything. While his parents may have paid his way back in this school that doesn't change that he could get expelled again. It would take a lot though. Let's just say there were more than four zeros on the check they wrote.

Day wraps an arm around me.

"You want to go out tonight?" He whispers down my neck.

"Yeah." I mumble. "Unless there's something wrong with your sister."

"Okay." He says.

"Daniel get your arm off of June. She needs to pay attention." The teacher says

Day listens reluctantly. This is going to be a long day.


We walk into the cafeteria together. It's lunchtime finally. It's already been a long day.

Day checks his phone the second we sit at our usual spots. I look over his shoulder once I see the text is from his mom.

Everything is okay. They believe your sister will be okay but, we might have to do a c-section tomorrow.

Believe? What kind of assurance is that.

"What's wrong Day?" I ask. He hands me his phone. "You want to stay home tonight?"

"No. I need a distraction from my messed up family."

"Your sister isn't messed up. She's just premature."

"Yeah I know. But she's coming into this messed up family early. She should enjoy the time she has away from us."

"Day, Corinna will take care of her. You know that."

"I know." He says taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"You're just too worried. You'll see her everyday."

"But what if I don't?" He sets the sandwich down. "What if my parents decide she's their favorite and take her with them everywhere they go but continue to ignore the rest of us?"

"Day." I say resting a hand on his shoulder. "Stop trying to cross a bridge that's five hundred feet away. You need to walk toward it first."

"You're right I suppose."


We landed on tails. Day and I decided to get lost. On purpose. I don't know how that's considered a date but whatever.

"One last roll." Day says. He takes the dice and rolls them. "So we must pass six blocks or houses if not near a ton of homes. Then turn right."

"I'm not sure how I understand how we are going to get lost on this."

"We will start at the city line." He says.

"That's going to take thirty minutes to get to." I say.

"Fine. If you'd rather stay here I'll take Eden." Day says as he sees Eden walk into the room with Tess.

"Not doing it." Eden says.

"You don't even know what it is."

"If you were going to do it with June I wouldn't like to be the one you do that thing with." I laugh. Eden.


We are officially lost. Upon finding a clearing we decide we might as well just park here and have a picnic.

"So how's life?" Day asks as he hands me some pasta salad.

"Great." I say laughing.

We finish eating about twenty minutes later. Day puts a song on through his speaker.

"Wanna dance June?" He asks pulling me to my feet.

"Day, you know I can't dance."

"Never too late to learn."

"It kind of is though." I say as he begins to lead me into some sort of dance.

"I've taught many girls to dance in my lifetime. You're the first trying to make me not teach you."

"Many?" I question laughing.

"Well. More than one. If you count. It was Tess. He and Eden went to a cotillion and the teacher didn't like Tess. You're sorta getting the hang of it."

I pull him tighter and press our lips together before he can say anything else critical of my dance moves.

"You're already better than Tess." He says smirking.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." He says.

What if I told him I love him right now? I'm pretty sure of it. But what if he doesn't love me? What if he thinks it's too soon.

His phone starts to ring.

"My mom." He says abruptly dropping his arms from my waist and running to his car. He answers and jumps into the car.

I turn the speaker off and follow him. We drive back to his house as he repeatedly calls his mom. She doesn't answer and he eventually gives up. Day calls Eden.

"Hey Daniel." Eden says when he finally picks up.

"Is something wrong with Mom?" He asks quickly as we pull back onto the road.

"Nothing wrong with her but she is giving birth tomorrow." I turn the radio down.

"Well that's something. Will our sister be okay?" I sure hope so. I love babies. It would be super sad if anything happened to her.

"They think so." Eden says. They'd better be right. I know Day is thinking the same thing.

"What kind of answer is that Eden?" Day asks clearly angered. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that. Whether he means it or not.

"Day that's all I know. I'm going to the hospital now. What do you want me to do?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know what we can do."

"Bye Daniel." Eden says and the line cuts off abruptly.

"You okay?" I ask Day.

"Yeah. Do you need to go home?"

"It's okay. I'll call my brother."

A/N: Thanks for reading! Sorry for not updating for a while but I hit 1k! What's going on with you guys?


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