Chapter 8: Expulsion?!

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I walk into the office in the morning to give them a note from the doctor's office saying that it's okay for me to have left early the other day.

When I walk in I see Day sitting in a chair to my right. No wonder I didn't see him this morning.

"I told you it wasn't me." He says to the teacher giving him a glare.

"Yeah? Well all the evidence says otherwise. We're going to have to expel you Day."

"Wait." I say. Day can't leave. It's not him. I know when he's lying and this isn't it. "It wasn't him." She looks up at me.

"And how do you know this?"

"It was me. I did it." I say.

"June." Day says looking into my eyes. He's trying to keep me from doing this but I won't let him.

"Miss Iparis. This is serious. Defacing school property is no joke." I didn't even know that's what it was.

"I'm sorry. I'll take whatever punishment you have for me."

"Well," She says. "I know it wasn't you." I let out a breath. "I won't expel Day. But for your lie I'm giving you an hour detention and Day as well."

Ugh. Metias won't be happy. He likes Day but not that much.


School is over and Day and I walk to the detention room together.

I considered texting Metias but didn't. He would've freaked and I know it.

Ugh. Metias has been really stressed at work lately and now I have to add this on top of it.

"Metias is going to be so mad. He'll probably ban me from seeing you."

"I guess your brother just knows how important I am to you." Day says with a laugh.

"Whatever." I say.

"Shhhhh" the detention monitor says. I get an email from Day a minute later.

You know you love me

That weirdo. I guess I do.

You wish

We sit doing homework, or at least that's what I'm doing, for the rest of detention.

Since we have such a small school Day and I were the only ones in detention today.

We stay until an hour has passed and then drive over to my house.

"Shut up." I say. Day has just finished telling me how annoying I am.

"Make me."

"You're a weirdo."

"You love it." I roll my eyes and hop out of the car walking up to my house.

"You wish." I say.

"I'm hungry." Day complains.

"Then get food."

"I'm your guest." He says jokingly.

"And you have hands." I say.

"Oh I'm aware."

"Well then use them." I say walking into the living room.

He grabs a small bag of goldfish and pours them into a bowl.

"The snack that smiles back." He sings with a laugh.

Day walks into the living room and sits down next to me.

"Favorite animal?" He asks.

"Dogs, you?"


"Best memory with your brothers?" I ask.

"When we all went deep sea fishing two years ago. You?"

"This sounds stupid but when I was sick as a kid. He just always took good care of me."

"It's not stupid, it's sweet." Day says. He hands me a goldfish.

"Thanks." I say. I don't know why I'm blushing. "What makes a perfect day?"

"Me." He says with a hair flip. "Kidding." He looks me straight in the eye. "The people you spend it with. What do you think?"


Metias opens the door and walks into the living room.

"What's this?" He asks. Day slowly inches away from me. I didn't even realize how close together we were. "June you didn't ask to have Day over."

"Sorry I just figured it wasn't a big deal."

"You figured wrong. You aren't aloud to be home alone with him." I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Why don't you trust me?" I ask.

"I do. I just. Day please leave." Day nods.

"See you at school June." I nod.

"Give me your phone." Metias says.

"You're my brother not my dad."

"I am your legal guardian and you will listen to me June." I hand him my phone.

"You aren't allowed to see Day out of school for a week." He pauses. "You can have your phone back tomorrow morning."

"Okay." I say. I know there's no avoiding this.

Metias' phone lights up. He looks at it.

"You got detention? For lying to a teacher?This boy is a terrible influence. Two weeks."

Ugh. I walk up to my room slowly and collapse onto my bed.

Why did I have to stick up for Day? I mean I didn't want him expelled but still. Do I like him? I think I do.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Sorry this is kind of a short chapter! Please vote and comment!


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