Chapter 13: Give me Freedom

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I shouldn't have left after I kissed Day. I regret it terribly. I regret kissing him. Well, that's a lie. But I dread the fact that we might not be friends anymore because of it.

I walk into my first hour class alone and sit in my usual seat. My breathing stops momentarily when Day sits by someone else. Some new kid. At least it's a guy?

I look forward immediately after that and wait for class to start. If he doesn't want to sit by me I won't be caught looking at him.

Kaede sits by me.

"Your boyfriend took my seat." she nods to where Day is. "We have a new kid? I sat there so I wouldn't have to be next to anyone and now I have to no matter what."

People call Day my boyfriend and I don't correct them mostly because I know they know they're wrong.

"What'd you do to him?" Kaede asks. "He's a very emotional person you know. Don't hurt him because when he has feelings for someone they are deep. He would happily give his life for you and you wouldn't even have to ask. So what did you do?"

"I, uh, well you see we kind of-"

"Do I want to know?" Kaede asks with her face scrunched up.

"No! I mean not that." I say blushing a deep shade of red. "I just kissed him. Gosh Kaede what did you think I did?"

"I wonder." Kaede says sarcastically.

"Stop it." I say.

"Well you better apologize for it because he looks like he didn't sleep last night." She turns around and calls out to him. Day looks up. Kaede is right. He looks exhausted. No wonder she thought...

"Hey Kaede." Day says. "Hey June."

"Hey." I say. I decide to text him.

Something wrong?

He seems off. My phone vibrates in my pocket.

No why do you ask

Day you obviously did not sleep last night

I was worried

About what?

I don't know, that kiss

I'm sorry about that

And that's why I was thinking about it

Wait a minute. He was worried I'd be sorry? Does he think I regret it?

I don't regret it, if that's what you think

Okay but at the same time, you didn't mean it

I never said that. I liked the song you wrote for me Day 😉


The bell rings. Okay that was kind of awkward.

I smirk back at Day before looking to the board. I hope this doesn't ruin the friendship we have.

It's lunch and Day sits by his brother instead of me. It's really been throwing me off not talking to him today. He's my lab partner and we only exchanged words related to class the whole time.

I decide to text him again.



Paperclips and Final Exams (Legend High AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora