chapter 14

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I know some of you are upset or confused with Finn, how he went from "I was gonna ask her to marry me" to "I wanna postpone forever and see other people" there is a reason why Finn did what he did, he wants to Tell Rachel first before anyone else cause she's not the only one confused about this whole thing.. anyway on to the story

Isabel was completely stunned and confused, if Finn was going to ask Rachel to marry him then how did they end up in the mess they were now. Not together and certainly not engaged or married, so she asked him as much. 

Finn sunk against the wall ‘God Iz, everything is a disaster what am I going to do without her’ he sobbed. 

Isabel moved to try and comfort Finn but he shrugged her off, she wasn’t able to get anything out of him to explain what was going on. 

‘I shouldn’t have listened but I just wanted her to be happy’ he cried. 

Isabel couldn’t take anymore, Finn was an absolute wreck and it was obvious it wasn’t her that he needed. So making a decision she quickly left the apartment and headed towards Maria’s. 

When Maria heard the knock at the door she looked at Rachel surprised. It had taken close to an hour to calm Rachel down but now they were happily watching the latest Cory Monteith movie and enjoying their favorite Ben & Jerry’s. 

‘I wonder who that could be’ she said to Rachel as she got up to answer it. 

‘Isabel’ she smiled surprised when she saw the talker women on the other side. 

‘Hi Maria’ she smiled sadly ‘I’m sorry to barge in on you but I need to talk to Rachel’ she told her. 

Rachel popped her head up over the couch when she heard Isabel’s voice and the mention of her name; she wasn’t aware that Maria had called Isabel and asked her to check on Finn. 

‘Hey Iz’ she smiled. Isabel took in her friend’s appearance and frowned at what she saw. Rachel looked pale and thin in the face and it was obvious that this whole situation was taking its toll on her as well. 

‘Rach, I know you don’t want to deal with this right now but I’m really worried about Finn’ she told her. 

‘What’s wrong with him?’ she asked quickly. 

‘He’s a mess, Rachel and I cant calm him down, I don’t know what to do. I panicked and came here’ she told her. 

Rachel jumped off the lounge immediately and started heading towards the door. ‘Rachel, are you sure you should do this?’ Maria asked her friend worriedly. 

‘Where is he?’ Rachel asked. 

‘In his bedroom’ Isabel explained as her and Maria followed Rachel as she practically ran to the apartment she and Finn shared. 

Rachel fidgeted nervously in the lift on the way up to her apartment ‘did he say anything?’ she asked Isabel. 

‘Um nothing that made sense’ Isabel confessed leaving out the part about the engagement ring on purpose. If and when Finn and Rachel actually got around to talking everything over it would be up to him to show her or tell her about it. 

Once they reached her floor Rachel took off out of the elevator into a dead run towards her apartment. 

‘Finn’ she cried out racing into the apartment. She found him minutes later in the exact place Isabel had told her she left him. He was sobbing uncontrollably and mumbling something that she couldn’t understand. 

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