Chapter 9

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It's been like eight months since we lost the farm. Mom is about to pop! We just left this house we originally thought was safe, but a small herd came through. We packed up our stuff, and got in the cars.

We find ourselves on the highway again. Daryl says something to dad, then pulls on my arm, pulling me into the woods. We walk for a few minutes until he stops. I look at him confused, and go to say something, when he pushes me back against a tree. He leans down and kisses me. I lean into the kiss. Yes! Daryl Dixon likes me! Yay! I wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him more. He pulls back and just smirks at me. "Sorry! I just...... I really like you!" I blush and smile. "I like you to Daryl Dixon!" "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" I squeal. "So..... is this a secret relationship or a known one?" "I'm cool with either, but I don't want to lie to them so.....?" "I'm okay with them knowing. Besides, there's not that big of an age difference! Only 13 years!" "Okay boyfriend! Then they shall know!" I start walking back to where we came, but he stops me. "Wait! We have to actually get what we came out here for! I told your dad that we were gonna go hunting!" "Okay!" We then walk a little further into the woods until we come to a break. We walk out and see a prison. "What a shame?!" Daryl says sighing. "Maybe not! We could clear out the walkers in the field. It could be safe!" "Let's go tell your dad!" He says then starts to walk off. I jog up to him and grab his hand. We hold hands as we walk back into the woods.

We get there with with 12 squirrels. We walk out of the woods, still holding hands, and walk over to our group. Everyone turns to us and I blush. Dad looks at our locked hands and back up to us. "Dad?" I ask worried. "Are you two dating?" He says smiling. I look at Daryl and smile. "Yes! Yes we are!" I say. I look back at dad and see he is just smiling. "Okay!" He says then walks off. Daryl let's go of my hand and walks to dad, probably talk about the prison. I walk to mom and she just laughs hugging me. "So.... you and Daryl?" "Yeah!" "Y'all are to cute!" I just blush again. I walk over to Maggie and we just squeal. I hear some laughs and look over to see mom and dad laughing. I look over at Daryl and he notices them laughing to. Dad walks over to them and whispers something in his ear. Daryls cheeks turn red. Wait! What? Did I just make Daryl Dixon blush? Dad calls us all over to talk. We walk over and dad starts talking. "While Daryl and Makayla were out..... hunting? They found a prison. Daryl says that it looks safe, as long as we clear out some walkers." Everyone smiles.

We're standing outside of a fence, cutting the fence with built cutters, and sliding in the hole. Glenn ties up the hole with something, and we run up a hill. We keep mom, beth, and Carl on the inside of our circle formation, and kill walkers as we go. After all the walkers are dead, we place our stuff on the ground. "Now! All we need is to close that gate!" Dad says, pointing at a open gate. "I'll do it!" Glenn says stepping up to him. "No! It's a suicide run!" Maggie says. "I'll do it!" I say. "No!" Dad says. "Dad! I was always the fastest player on everyone of my soccer teams!" "Fine! Take these! When you get there, clamp these on the lock!" "Okay!" I say tightening my pony tail. I pull my pocket knife out of my bra, and put my pistol in my waist band. I grab the clamps in one hand and hold my knife with the other. I watch as everyone goes to there places, and dad gives me a thumbs up. I take off running and slow down when a walker gets somewhat close to me. I stab it in the head, and I see a bullet land right next to my foot. I look up at Carol and she mouthed 'sorry'. I take off running again and reach the gate. I pull on the gate and put the clamp on the lock. I take out a couple walkers, and run to the nearest tower. I hear Daryl yell, "Light 'me up!" Then I hear ALOT of gun fire. Soon enough, all the walkers are down and we all walk out of our spots. We reach down ther and all start cheering. "We haven't had this much space since the farm!" Carol says. I run over to Carl and take his hat. I run away from him and make a circle hiding behind dad. He gets in front of dad, and starts trying to get to me. Dad takes my hat off of my head and places it on Carl's head. "Daddy! Your suppose to take my side!" I say pretending to pout. Daryl comes behind us and takes my hat back from Carl, putting it on his own head. I give Carl his hat back and go to get my own. I stand on my tip toes and try to get it. Daryl grabs my wrists and pecks me on the lips then gives me my hat. "Eww!" Carl says. We all just laugh.

A while later it started to get dark. Daryl was on watch, so he was standing on top of an overturned bus. We cooked the squirrels and deer that we found while Daryl and I went hunting. Mom was sitting next to me and Carl was laying down with his head on my lap. Daryl gets his bowl and hums. "Gust like mom makes!" He says and we all laugh. I look over and see that mom has already finished her bowl. I hold my bowl out to her, and she shakes her head. "No! I'm not taking your food honey!" "Mom! Your eating for two! At least take some!" She sighs but takes a pinch and eats it. I look back at Daryl and Maggie starts to talk to me. "Go take him some food!" She says handing me a plate with meat on it. I grab it then slide myself out from under Carla head. I walk over and put my plate on top of the bus, then I climb up. "Brought ya some food. Didn't think you would eat if I didn't make you!" I say chuckling. He eats then handsome the plate. "Makayla?" He says. "Yes?" "I know it may be kinda sudden, but I'm in love with you!" I just smile. "I love you Daryl Dixon!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you to Makayla Grimes!" He says wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back. We stand there for a few moments until someone calls my name. I look over and see that it is Carl. I sigh then peck Daryl on the lips and climb off the bus. I get there and everyone is just staring at me grinning like idiots. "What?" I say innocently. They just smile bigger. "Bethy! Sing Paddy Rylie for me? I haven't heard that I think, since your mother was alive!" Herschel asks beth. "Daddy not that one please!" Maggie says. "Okay? What about Parting Glass?" Herschel says. Carl shoots his head towards me, and the whole group notices. I just smile at him. "Only if Makayla sings to! I know you know it! Carl told me!" I blush. "Okay." I say. Then we start to sing and dad and Daryl walk up to us.

"Of all the money that e'er I had
I've spent it in good company
And all the harm that e'er I've done
Alas it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all

Of all the comrades that e'er I had
They are sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had
They would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all

A man may drink and not be drunk
A man may fight and not be slain
A man may court a pretty girl
And perhaps be welcomed back again
But since it has so ought to be
By a time to rise and a time to fall
Come fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all
Good night and joy be with you all"

Alright everyone! Let's get some sleep! We have a big day tomorrow!" Dad says. "What do you mean?" Glenn says. "I know we got here and we're safe, but we have to push just a little bit more! This place looks like it went down early! There could be food, weapons, an infirmary!" Then we all lay down and go to sleep.

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