One Day Before

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Ruby wiped off one of the tables at the cafe as Neo was rapidly asking her questions in sign language.

Are you sure she's gay?! She asked.

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Yes I'm sure. Why does everyone keep asking about that?"

Neo sighed. A lesbian asked you out to dinner and seemed either shy or embarrassed. She's obviously into you.

"What, like you're into Yang?" Ruby asked.

I do NOT like her. Neo sternly signed. She is attractive, but I don't like her.

"No, it's fine, I understand." Ruby said with a smirk. "Plenty of people like Yang. But I hate to say it, she leans towards guys."

I don't care. She responded, glaring at Ruby.

The girl with red tips walked over to the main counter and pulled out her star wars mug. "Of course."

Neo smacked Ruby on the back of the head. Get back on topic. Rich girl likes you.

"What do you mean by rich girl? Her money doesn't matter. Plus, we're just friends." The waitress said.

You are oblivious. I want to talk to W. Neo signed, W referring to Weiss.

Ruby looked at the mute girl. "I mean, you don't really do much talking." She said.

Careful, Rose, I carry a knife on me. Neo shot a glare at the red tipped girl, a smirk lightening her look.

Ruby giggled. "Fine, no more jokes for the day. Hey, so you wanna go get something to drink after work? We can pick up Torchwick on the way."

Neo smiled evily. Yes.

"Good, maybe I'll invite Jaune too."

And now I'm rethinking my choices.


"I can't focus at all..." Weiss mumbled , her face in a pile of papers.

She had been at the office for most of the day now, but hadn't really gotten any work done. Neptune gave up on keeping her on track when Weiss began mumbling Not With Haste by Mumford & Sons. Once Weiss started singing, she was obviously too unfocused for anything else.

"Why not leave? It's not like you need to be here at all times." He suggested.

Weiss glared at her friend. "That's a stupid idea. I've got work to do."

"You literally spent a half hour just looking through papers screaming about not having anything to do." Neptune pointed out. "It's already 6:30, so I'm sure we could find a bar or something."

"I don't go to bars." Weiss said, glaring in Neptune's direction.

He looked at her for a moment. "You don't go on dates with cute girls either, but you're trying that, right?"

"But... Why?" The businesswoman asked.

Neptune shrugged. "I haven't gotten a chance to go out in weeks, and you need to learn how to have fun if you're gonna survive five minutes dating Ruby."

"Hmm..." Weiss took a moment to think. "I guess that is true..."

Neptune smiled in response. "I'll grab the car."

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