Campfire Song Song

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"My head is killing me..." Ruby muttered, drinking some green smoothie that Ren made.

"Don't worry, you'll feel a bit better within the hour if you keep drinking water." He said, handing one of the drinks to Weiss.

The heiress shook her head slowly. "I'm never drinking again..."

"I doubt that." Ren said calmly as he poured himself some orange juice.

Neo walked in wearing a yellow shirt that was much larger than anything she owned. Morning.

"Umm... What did we miss last night?" Ruby asked.

Yang came down a moment later, then stopped, looking surprised at Neo. "Are you wearing my shirt?"

I was cold when I found it.

"Oh, ok then."

Roman walked in and just chuckled. "You still have no idea what she said, do you?"

"You never told me that she slept in her underwear." Yang said, diverting the conversation.

"You never asked." Roman replied.

Jaune came downstairs with a smile on his face and a guitar case in hand. "Good morning everyone."

"Oh my Oum... Please don't let this be like that press conference last year..." Weiss muttered.

"Ok, I really thought that it would go better than it did." Jaune said in defense. "And no, I was just bringing it to play at the campfire."

"Campfire?" Weiss asked.

Ruby nodded. "Yeah. Being out in the woods, we need to have a campfire." She said. "And with it being a chilly, the bugs have mostly disappeared. It'll just be us and the stars out there."

"Awesome! I'll bring the hotdogs." Yang cheered.

Nora ran downstairs, perky as ever. "I'm on s'mores duty!"

"Hmm..." Weiss leaned over to Ruby. "What do people do at a campfire?"

The girl in red had to hold back her laughter. "You really did have a sheltered childhood, didn't you?"

"Shush. Just tell me what we're doing." The ivory girl commanded.

Ruby giggled slightly. "We'll probably sing a bit, eat s'mores and hotdogs, then watch the stars for awhile." She explained. "Nothing too big."


Yang, Nora, and Pyrrha did most of the heavy lifting. Partially because Nora and Yang were competing to see who could carry the heaviest stuff, leaving pretty much nothing for anyone else.

When Jaune started the fire, Ren and Roman helped him find anything to keep it going, leaving Neo with Ruby and Weiss.

Obviously, this fire wouldn't be here without me. Neo explained, throwing in a small twig.

"Yup. You're doing great there." Ruby laughed, but then curiosity crossed her face for a moment. "Hey, what exactly happened last night between you and Yang?"

Neo pouted a little bit. Well, I didn't get laid, so that's bad.

"Hmm. I'm sure she'll come around. Yang seems to be interested in you at the very least." The redhead said.

I don't know... She just never seems to want anything from me. She doesn't hang out with me unless it's because of you.

"I'm sorry that you can't seem to get her attention... Maybe she isn't right for you?" Ruby suggested.

Neo frowned. But she's hot...

"I completely understand that..." Ruby said, nodding. W and I got together...

Yeah, I know, you're super obvious. Neo said, making Ruby sit up straight with shock. You've been all over each other this entire time. Oh, and you told everyone while you were drunk last night.

"Shit..." Ruby muttered.

Weiss leaned towards her girlfriend with concern. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" Ruby quickly said, smiling at the heiress. She turned back to Neo. W can not find out! Say nothing.

Way ahead of you on that one. Neo signed, gesturing to her neck. Way ahead of you.

"You know exactly what I mean..." The brunette with dyed tips muttered as people started sitting down around the fire.

Yang threw herself down next to Neo, a strawberry soda in her hand. "So, we ready to party?"

"I've got my music sheets." Jaune cheered, holding some papers up.

"Please, PLEASE, do not let this be like the press conference..." Weiss muttered.

The businessman frowned. "I thought it would help everyone feel more comfortable and connected."

Ren chuckled slightly. "That was interesting for sure. You also said some crazy things that day."

"Hey, I could be the mayor of Vale! It's not crazy to say I could help lead a city!" Jaune claimed.

Ruby rolled her eyes. "You're too much of a dork to be mayor."

"You know what? I'm gonna run for the next election." He replied. "Yeah, I'm gonna run for mayor."

"Alrighty, bud. I'll work security for you." Yang told him, laughing still.

The day continued like that, jokes going back and forth throughout. Jaune showed that he actually could play guitar, he just couldn't sing at all, so Ruby stepped in to do vocals. Nora and Yang competed for the craziest s'more possible, and Pyrrha just had some hot dogs and celery while watching.

"This is nice." Weiss muttered, resting on Ruby as they both laid looking at the stars. "This is really nice."

"Yeah..." Ruby sighed, smiling softly.

Everyone was mostly doing their own thing at this point, and the two lovers stayed under the stars.

Weiss quickly moved over to kiss Ruby on the cheek, leaving the girl in red speechless.

"Weiss..." She said, looking around to see if anyone saw them. "We need to be careful..."

The ivory haired girl smiled gently and hugged Ruby close. "I don't care. I love you, and I will show you if I want to."

"Did you just say~"

"Don't you dare mention that ever again."

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