Girl With A Gun

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Ruby didn't find Yang at her house, so she checked the next best thing; the firing range. The blonde was practicing with a pair of sawn off shotguns that Ruby was sure she'd never actually use on the job.

"Yang! Hey, Yang!" Ruby called, not really getting her attention through the headphones she was wearing.

Ruby stormed over and pulled them off, hearing I Burn playing from them. Yang lowered her guns and turned over to the girl in a red shirt. "Oh hey, Rubes. What're you doing here?"

"I came to see my sister. Aaaaaand to point out that I don't need you to make friends." Ruby said.

Yang smiled. "Yeah, that Weiss girl. She stopped by my place with Neptune earlier asking where to find you."

"Oh, Neptune must have been that friend she was talking about that knew you." Ruby mumbled to herself. "Anyways, I still made a friend that you didn't introduce me too. And we're gonna hang out on Friday night."

"Awesome! Call me and tell me how it goes later, so I can deal with Weiss properly if she's using you." Yang responded with a grin.

Ruby rolled her eyes. "No, Yang, you can't do anything to her. Plus, she seems too shy to hurt anyone."

"Really? You do know who she is, right?" The blonde asked.

Ruby thought about it. "Nope. I don't even know her last name."

"Schnee. She is the infamous Weiss Schnee that runs Schnee Industries and uses her father as a figurehead so that assassins don't go after her." Yang explained. "My security firm is hired to protect him all the time, but she's never called for so much as a single guard."

Ruby looked at Yang with a deadpan face. "First of all, never heard of her before you told me all of that. Second of all, I seriously doubt that she's an evil mastermind or something. I mean really, she put hearts on the paper she gave me with her numbers."

"THAT'S THE MOST EVIL TH~ Wait, hearts?" Yang questioned. "Do you think... Could Weiss like..."

"Girls, yes. She is a lesbian. I don't see why that's important." Ruby stated.

Yang sighed heavily. "Do I really need to explain why it's important? She likes girls. You are a girl. She put hearts on her number. She was acting shy. Do you get it?"

"Yang, Weiss is just a friend. I bet she wasn't thinking like that at all." Ruby reasoned.

"RUBY! Use your gift! Use your gaydar! What does it tell you?"

"That she's gay, what did you expect it would say?" Ruby asked. "Do you think it'll tell me her favorite color or her social security number? Because it doesn't do that."

"Her favorite color is white." Yang said with a deadpan expression. "It doesn't take much to figure that out."

Ruby thought for a moment. "I guess it probably is white, that would make sense. But still, she's not into me. It wouldn't really matter anyways because I'm not into girls."

"You are cafe-sexual, you're not into anyone." Yang responded, taking a seat next to a gun rack.

Ruby glared at the blonde. "Just... Darn it, Yang. Please just tell me how to keep my new friend. What do I wear on Friday? What do I say?"

I have been waiting for you to ask me those questions for years, Ruby, so of course you're just asking about friendship crap. "I've got the perfect plan for you. Come on."

"We don't need to rush, it's only Wednesday."


"I need to figure out what I'm doing! It's already Wednesday!"

Weiss was pacing back and forth while trying to plan out her date with Ruby on Friday.

"Well, I'd say you got the most important thing down. You made sure she knew you like her and then you invited her on a date. Now you just need to woo her." Neptune said offhandedly as he was reading.

Weiss turned as glared so hard that Neptune could practically feel himself heating up. "Help me! You were the one that convinced me to do this, so you need to help me!"

"I don't know what girls like. Or how pretty works." The blue haired guy responded. "Try asking Pyrrha what to do."

"I CAN NOT TELL PYRRHA!" Weiss cried. "I haven't told anyone, and I'm not planning on it."

"That's why I already told everyone in the office." Neptune said, still not looking up from his magazine. "They're all very excited for you to actually get a life and have agreed not to tell anyone."

"How could you do that..? Did you tell Pyrrha too..?" Weiss asked.

Neptune shook his head. "I wanted you to tell her. I also invited her over about a half hour ago and she would be here soon."

"Neptune! Stop trying to run my life!"

"This is exactly what you pay me to do." Neptune replied.

Someone knocked at the door and Neptune checked his watch smiling. He got up and began walking to the door, Weiss attempting to hold him back and push the other direction, failing miserably. Neptune calmly opened the door, his boss pushing off the wall into him, still trying to push him away.

Outside the door, Pyrrha wave to the two. "Hello!"

Weiss fell to the floor. "Hello...."

"Yo." Neptune greeted, lifting his hand up in a half wave.

Pyrrha turned to Weiss, who was still on the ground. "Neptune said you needed help with a date. How many I be of assistance?"

Weiss got up and glared at Neptune for a moment before composing herself. "Well... I should probably explain a few things about the person I'm going on the date with first..."

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